Page 13 - Mystery Shop Game 1 - Sun. Sept. 24, 2017
P. 13

essions                           This  2017   2016   Variance
                                  Shop  Y-T-D  Final  to 2016
12, 124, 130, 223, and 238,
                                  3.25  3.25   3.44   (0.19)

                                  3.00 3.00 3.19 (0.19)

t 112, 126, 217, 244.             2.75  2.75   3.13   (0.38)
                                  3.25  3.25   3.31   (0.06)
ocked?                            2.75  2.75   3.06   (0.31)
ting on the service, prices or    3.00  3.00   3.13   (0.13)
lism (did they give you the
                                  3.00  3.00   3.13   (0.13)
buying alcohol? Anyone            3.00  3.00   3.06   (0.06)
redeem a free soda voucher.       3.00  3.00   3.13   (0.13)
t Gate D (Sec 128/129 ) and rate  3.00  3.00   3.06   (0.06)

             Overall score        3.00  3.00   3.06   (0.06)
                                  3.00  3.00   3.31   (0.31)

                                  3.00  3.00   3.17   (0.17)

ge 6 GAME 1 - SUN, SEPT 24, 2017 - Concessions
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18