Page 25 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 25

Policy No. 114 – Employee Interaction with Club Members
Transporting Club members in your personal vehicle is prohibited.
Staff members should not send personal e-mails, text messages, or messages through social media to individual Club members. One-on-one policy requirements also apply to all electronic communication. Staff may provide updates to groups for Club-related business such as reminders about Keystone meetings, sports league games, or Club events using Club email and Club phone. The preferred method of communication is to the members’ parent/guardian and/or face to face with the member. When communicating via text (or any other communication app) to members serving as Jr. Staff, another staff person must be included on correspondence.
Social Media Connections
Staff members are not allowed to “friend” members on social media, Instagram members, or communicate in any way directly with members on social media.
Staff Personal Contact Information
In order to ensure the safety and privacy of our staff, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale prohibits sharing of personal contact information with members or parents/guardians. If there is need for members to contact staff, the organization will provide a secure work e-mail address for that staff member. Failure to abide by this rule could result in discipline measures up to and including termination.
Additional Standards
Treat all children and young people with respect and dignity befitting their age.
• Do not engage in any of the following – invading privacy of children when they are showering or toileting; rough or sexually provocative games; inappropriate or intrusive touching of any form; racially provocative comments; sexual comments or sexual jokes; derogatory ethnic comments; compliments that relate to physique or body development; any form of unwanted affection.
• Sexually oriented conversations with minors should be handled in the context of life skills training or any educational program; appropriate permission from parents/guardians needs to be obtained.
• Adults of the opposite sex should never tend to children of the opposite sex whenever physical needs are involved; for example, instances when a young child has soiled their underwear. Make sure another adult is present.
• Don’t share sleeping accommodations with children or young people of the opposite sex if the group is away. Never share a bed with a child.
• Never be alone with a member outside the presence/eyesight of others (i.e. behind closed doors with no windows, in a vehicle, in a program area, etc.).
Physical Contact with Minors
Appropriate affection with children and young adults is important in their development and a positive part of our work.

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