Page 26 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 26

The following are generally regarded as appropriate examples:
• Side hugs
• Shoulder to Shoulder or “temple” hugs
• Pats on the shoulder or upper back
• Handshakes
• High-fives and hand slapping
• Verbal praise
• Holding hands with young children in escorting situations
• Pats on the head when culturally appropriate
In order to maintain the safest possible environment for minors, the following are examples of affection that should NOT be used:
• Full frontal hugs
• Inappropriate or lengthy embraces
• Kisses
• Lap sitting
• Wrestling
• Horseplay
• Touching bottoms, chest or genital areas
• Showing affection in isolated areas
• Sleeping in bed with a child
• Touching knees or legs of minors
• Tickling
• Piggyback rides
• Any type of massage given by or to a youth
• Any form of affection that is unwanted by the youth or the staff or volunteer

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