Page 51 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
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Club Programming
Policy No. 300 – Program Safety Policy
Boys & Girls Club programs are designed to provide youth opportunities to learn new skills, explore hidden talents, and develop mastery level competence. Each program must be assessed for age appropriateness, proper space and equipment, safety, as well as, proper supervision.
Supervision of activities includes understanding the intended outcomes of working with youth, how to run a program and keep it under control, spotting and responding to behavioral problems, as well as, handling Club members with special conditions.
Club equipment will be maintained with the highest quality. Regular safety checks will be completed on equipment. Equipment used for seasonal programming will be checked and/or certified program ready prior to use. Club insurance carrier will be updated of high-risk programming to ensure coverage (sports leagues, swimming, gymnastics, cheerleading with stunts, etc.).
Club Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that properly skilled/certified personnel are facilitating programs with safety and youth development best practices in mind.
Programs that require facilitators of specific certifications or experience will not be offered if the proper personnel are not available. For the safety of Club Members, Center Director is required to cancel programming if personnel are not available. Programs that include high risk activities may also require additional enrollment and hold harmless waivers to be signed by parent/guardian.
Policy No. 301 – Healthy Lifestyles
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale’s staff and programs influence youth to lead healthy lifestyles and avoid risky behaviors. We encourage positive lifestyle choices that nurture well-being by setting personal goals and learning skills to be successful, self-sufficient, healthy adults. The staff must always role model such behavior, as well as, expect such behavior from all members. As youth explore developmental boundaries, youth accidents/incidents may occur. Appropriate documentation and communication are the expectation of the organization. Boys & Girls Clubs is an inclusive environment that allows youth to be great.
Policy No. 302 – Age Appropriate Programming
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale’s Branches offer programming that supports the social, emotional, and physical development of Club Members. Guidelines are established to ensure that

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