Page 55 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 55

• LOWER BODY WEAR: Participants are required to wear either workout shorts, warm-ups, or sweatpants. Blue jeans, dress pants, fatigues, cut-offs, non-athletic dress shorts are not permitted.
• UPPER BODY WEAR: T-shirts, sweatshirts, or warm-ups are required. Dress shirts, shirts with bottoms, and cut-up tank tops are not allowed. Shirts showing profanity or inappropriate graphics will not be permitted.
• HATS: Head should be free of hats when working out in weight room.
• GLASSES: Prescription glasses are permissible.
• JEWELRY: Any jewelry that may cause possible injuries to the lifter is not permitted, including
rings and necklaces. Small earrings and items that do not inhibit a lifter or causes injury may be
• ELECTRONICS: Ear buds with cords must be placed inside clothing during workout. Use of
cameras, including cell phone cameras, are not permitted in the weight room, without the consent of Weight Room Supervisor.
Weight Room Rules
• Warm-ups/Flexibilities MUST be done before any weight training. NO EXCEPTIONS!
• Proper workout attire should always be worn. Members must be dressed to work out and
prepared to move freely without restrictions. Workouts may cause a certain amount of
perspiration; members must dress accordingly.
• Horseplay will not be tolerated.
• Members are expected to encourage each other.
• Members must always use good judgment when lifting and spotting and not show off.
• Members must respect each other. All members have equal rights to the equipment.
• Members must always pick up areas that were worked in and not leave equipment to be cleared
away by the next person.
• Neatness and respect are of great importance to maintaining a proper weight-training
• Weight plates and bars should be kept on the trees, equipment, or in the areas provided for them.
All these items should be returned to their original locations immediately after use.
• Weights should not be thrown or dropped to the floor from any lifting position.
• Collars should be used on the weight bars when attempting heavy or record lifts.
• It is mandatory to use spotters when attempting any lifts.
• Correct form must be stressed in all lifts. SAFETY first.
• Only Weight Room Supervisor or trained staff is authorized open the weight room during
operating hours.
• If there is no Weight Room Supervisor present in the room during operation, the weight room is

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