Page 58 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 58

then managed using the intruder procedures. Parents/Guardians refusing to sign in at the front desk shall be banned from building entry during program hours.
Policy No. 405 – Program Area Coverage
Any open program area (inside and outside of the facility) must be supervised by a Program Instructor who has completed the New Hire Orientation. If a staff person is not available for an area, that area must be shut down with the area locked and made inaccessible to members.
Programs or Activities Conducted Indoors Protocols
• Ensure staff is easily identifiable, with staff shirt and/or name badge.
• Staff must be positioned in a manner that allows full visual coverage of the entire program area.
• Before conducting an activity with members, staff must survey the program area for any
immediate facility or safety concerns. Staff should immediately report any safety concerns directly
to their supervisor.
• Staff should be aware of and follow the 1:20 staff to member ratios.
• Staff should never be alone in an area with one member.
Programs, Activities or Snack Conducted Outdoor Protocols
• Ensure staff are easily identifiable, with staff shirt and/or name badge.
• Staff are equipped with safety gear (first aid kit, whistle, radio, on the go kit, etc.)
• Before conducting an activity with members, staff must survey the outside area for any immediate
facility or safety concerns, including any individuals not affiliated with the Club using the outdoor
area. Staff should report any safety concerns directly to their supervisor immediately.
• The perimeter of all outdoor program space should be clearly defined with the use of cones. Staff
members should be positioned along program area perimeter to ensure boundaries are being
• Bathroom/Hall Passes should be used for any trips to the bathroom or office. There should only
be one boy and one girl pass per area utilized at any given time to prevent excessive hallway and
bathroom activity.
• One defined entry/exit should be utilized and monitored for member transitions indoors.
• Staff member should have a way to communicate with staff inside the building to ensure an
escort for members needing to return inside due to injury or behavior concerns.
• If all members are outside at once for snack, staff should be spread out, actively supervising a variety of activities so to prevent chaos with a large group size. Staff should be positioned in a
manner that allows full visual coverage of entire outdoor area.

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