Page 59 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 59

Policy No. 406 – Bathroom/Hall Supervision
 Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale understands the need to prevent behavior such as bullying, sexual misconduct, fighting, and vandalism from occurring in the Club restrooms. Restrooms are regularly monitored by designated staff throughout the program day. Monitoring includes walk-throughs, inspections, and temporary shut-down for cleaning on occasion. Staff shall enforce organization’s restroom code of conduct.
Daily Club Bathroom Procedures
• Use of bathroom/hall passes in each program area
• System that staff understand that no more than 1 member per area are released to go to the
bathrooms and must wait until that member returns before next person can go
• Designated staff to continuously monitor bathrooms to ensure members are not playing or
• Designated bathrooms for youth, teens and staff/parents/guardians.
• Staff, volunteers, and adult visitors will only use designated adult restrooms. Should separate
restrooms be unavailable, staff shall use restrooms at designated intervals to ensure they are not
using restrooms at the same time as youth members.
• If a member has an accident the following are steps to take in helping the member change:
o Staffarenotallowedalonewithanymember.Therefore,memberisprovideditemsto change clothes and clean self. In case where member has older sibling at Club, sibling can assist member with changing.
o Ifneededmemberwillbeprovideappropriatestoragebagtostoresoiledclothing.
o Communicatetoparent/guardianwrittenandverballyifneededsotheyareawareof
member accident.
Staff Shall
• Abide by all staff codes of conduct.
• Enforce the organizations’ restroom code of conduct.
• Intervene and notify Club leadership should inappropriate conduct be observed.
• Ensure restrooms are regularly cleaned and sanitized.
• Immediately notify Club leadership if unacceptable restroom conditions are observed.
• Complete a Repair Request Form and submit to Club leadership.
• Document, in writing, restroom conduct incidents and report them to Club leadership as soon as
Policy No. 407 – Member Transition from Program Areas
When members are transitioning from one area to another, they should be escorted by a staff member at the designated rotation time. Members should walk in a straight line, so to avoid hallway injury. They should be lined up outside their next rotation areas by the staff member. If it is not a possibility for staff to directly escort members to their next program area, there should always be employee presence by one staff member from every program area in the hallway to provide eyes on supervision during the transition.

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