Page 64 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 64

pool, tread water 30 seconds and swim back crawl to return to the shallow end. Swimmer is not allowed to touch the bottom of the pool at any time during the swim test.
Policy No. 410 – Member Supervision on Out of County Field Trips
All field trips out of the branch’s home county require a permission slip which includes parent/guardian consent to emergency medical treatment for child and a medical liability waiver. The permission/waiver must be turned in to the branch and a copy brought on the trip. This provides proof of medical consent if emergency treatment is needed and a parent/guardian cannot be reached. The Out of County Consent Form is available at shared/FORMS/Field Trip - Medical Liability Waiver
If Club vehicle is being used- before leaving on the trip, a safety inspection must be performed on the vehicle being taken within the 2 weeks prior to departure. Ensure scheduled maintenance is up to date, as well as, insurance and licensing is current. Only approved drivers may operate Club vehicles.
Policy No. 411 – Member Supervision at Overnight Programming at Club
Overnighters are generally held at the Club from 8pm to 8am the next morning. During the time of the overnighter, there must always be at least 1 full-time program staff and 1 driver-eligible part-time Program Instructor (one of each gender) in the building. The overnighters are meant to be a lock-in. Once staff and members are checked-in, they do not leave. Staff members or youth members are not allowed to leave the building and then return. Once a staff member or youth member leaves the building, they are not allowed back, unless the trip is a component of the program or additional supplies are needed.
Policy No. 412 – Member Supervision at Overnight Programming away from the Club
At least 2 full-time program-related driver-eligible staff (one of each gender) must accompany youth members on any Club overnight trip outside of our facilities (LIT, Keystone, Torch, camping, etc.).
If multiple branches are attending the trip, each branch must have at least 1 full-time program-related staff accompany their youth. Depending on the number of youth and the number of other FT staff in attendance, the Chief Executive Officer may reduce the requirement from a branch to 1 driver-eligible Program Instructor or may increase the requirement to 2 full-time program-staff from each branch. The Chief Executive Officer must approve the staffing plan prior to the trip.
Policy No. 413 – BGCA & Other Youth Conferences
Before any arrangements are made to attend the conference, the CEO/President must approve there is enough funding for the Keystone/Torch Club or youth cohort to attend. A plan including number of staff and members proposed for attendance, current balance (and any confirmed fundraising events), and all costs (including registration, hotel, ground transportation, airfare, meals, emergency money, etc.) must be submitted to and approved by the COO.

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