Page 65 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 65

• Adult Lead Advisors must be 23 years or older to attend the conference. All other advisors under the age of 21 years must be approved by the COO and parent/guardian must be informed in writing.
• Adult chaperones must successfully pass a criminal background check that is no more than twelve (12) months old and have been employed or affiliated with a Boys & Girls Club for at least one (1) year.
• All conference guidelines are to be followed by Club members as well as staff. This includes but is not limited to attending conference sessions, security monitoring and following the conference code of conduct.
• All youth and chaperones must review and sign appropriate codes of conduct. Youth codes should be reviewed and signed by the parent/guardian or legal guardian as well.
• As a chaperone staff are always to be with the members. This applies to all locales of the conference as well as during free time.
• No minor member can travel to BGCA sponsored events alone.
• Staff must always adhere to the prohibition of one-on one contact policy.
• A Key Contact Advisor will be designated by the Chief Operating Officer. If at any time during the
conference staff have a question or concern or feel they cannot fulfill the expectations of a
conference chaperone, the Key Contact Advisor on the trip should be consulted.
• According to BGCA guidelines, adult chaperones must stay in separate rooms from members.
Adult chaperones must submit a lodging arrangement plan to ensure chaperones are strategically occupying the room next to members of their gender. Parents/Guardians of Club members must be informed a staff member will not be assigned to stay in their child’s room, but rather will be assigned to a room located on the same floor/near to members of their gender (when possible). Reasonable single accommodations should be made for youth should they request it.
• Advisors will be required to assist with evening security by maintaining a presence in the hallway from curfew until members are settled down, all rooms are quiet, and Conference Security staff release them to go to bed (this is the only exception of having an advisor in the hotel at all times with members).
• Co-ed visitations in rooms are not permitted unless a meeting is convened with the adult advisor present.
• Co-ed visits with members of other organization’s Clubs also are not permitted.
• Club members must be in their hotel rooms by 11:30 p.m. unless otherwise announced. Once in
their rooms, noise levels should be low to respect other hotel guests. There are to be no meetings
or gatherings after midnight.
• Advisors should always carry the signed parent/guardian permission/waiver slips; a copy should
be left with the branch director. Do not send in the conference permission slip with registration; advisors should always keep the permission slips.

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