Page 63 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 63

Field Trip Staff to Member Ratios - Teen
Contained - For these types of field trips, the staff to member ratio should be no less than 1:14. Upon arrival, the Lead Supervisor will assign group supervisors to supervise key areas such as: exits, snack areas, bathrooms, main floor as well as identify staff floaters. Staff members should provide active supervision and members should be aware of a meeting spot where the staff member will be available. Male/female ratios do not apply unless it is a late-night return when other staff may no longer be present at the Club.
Heightened - The staff to member ratio should be no less than 1:14 with appropriate male/female representation. The Lead Supervisor will have a designated meeting place throughout the trip. Teen members will be allowed to circulate using the Buddy System (groups of at least two) but never alone – this requires written parental/guardian permission and is at the discretion of the Teen Development Specialist/Lead Supervisor. All teens will be given periodic check-in times that they must meet with the staff, this should be a minimum of once every hour.
Non-contained - High School Aged Teens: The staff to member ratio should be no less than 1:14 with appropriate male/female representation. The Lead Supervisor will have a designated meeting place throughout the trip. Teen members will be allowed to circulate using the Buddy System (groups of at least two) but never alone – this requires written parental/guardian permission and is at the discretion of the Teen Development Specialist/lead staff. All teens will be given periodic check-in times that they must meet with the staff, this should be a minimum of once every hour.
Non-contained - Middle School Aged Members (7th - 8Th grades): A 1:14 staff to member ratio is required and these members must stay with their assigned staff member.
All staff supervisors for teen field trips (7th - 12th grades) must be 21 or over. Teens/Middle School 7th/8th will follow the same check in procedures as the youth but do not need to wear on the go shirts. There should be a master list of attendees left at the Club, and each staff attending the trip will have a list of their assigned members for checking in.
Small Group Field Trips
Field trips of 8 or more members age 12 & under require at least two staff members. Field trips with another BGCS site or event (such as RBI baseball games) where multiple Club staff will be supervising youth is an exception to this rule. Teen field trips are also excluded.
Swimming Trips
All swimming trips require a certified lifeguard to be on duty and must be on the pre-approved list of field trip locations approved by the CEO found at shared/Field Trips/ folder. CEO trip approval must be obtained before scheduling, publicizing, or enrolling members for the field trip. Lifeguards can be provided by the swimming area (in the case of city swimming pools or lifeguarded beaches). In the absence of lifeguards being provided by the area, the trip personnel must include our own staff that is certified as lifeguards to be present for members to be able to swim. Regardless of lifeguard status, Club staff are required to have eyes on supervision during the duration of the trip. Members cannot be left to the supervision of the pool personnel. Club staff are on duty the entire time.
All members must be swim tested before being allowed to swim in a pool. Swim tests must be performed by the wall of the pool. Swimmers must front crawl swim from the shallow end to the deep end of the

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