Page 62 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 62

individual trip. Phone authorization or authorization by someone other than the parent/guardian will not be accepted. An email from the parent/guardian containing the field trip location and times is an acceptable form of authorization.
The Lead Supervisor will have a master list of who has signed up for the field trip, they may assign members to a specific group before check in begins or after everyone has arrived.
As members arrive to the Club they will check in at a designated location and be given a field trip shirt (if not worn to the Club/ if applicable). Participants in grades K-6th must wear an “On-the-Go” shirt for the duration of the trip. Grades K-3 must wear an “On-the-Go” shirt and a wristband if they are attending a non-contained trip. Exceptions to this rule are trips where kids will be swimming or in water, in which case, they should wear a swimming wristband for the duration of the trip and have passed a swim test. Fifteen minutes before the buses arrive members will go to a designated area and get into their field trip groups with their group supervisor.
Each Group Supervisor will have their attendance list and be responsible for marking all their members as present. The Group Supervisor will go over guidelines and rules for the fieldtrip with their group members before getting on the bus. During this time the Lead Supervisor will go to each group and confirm that their attendance sheets match and then let them load the bus. This same procedure should be followed prior to leaving the field trip site.
Parents/Guardians may not pick up/drop off a member from a field trip except in emergencies with approval from the Youth Development Supervisors or Branch Director.
Field Trip Staff to Member Ratios – Youth
Contained - For these types of field trips, the staff to member ratio should be no less than 1 staff member for 10 youth members (1:10). Upon arrival, the Lead Supervisor will assign group supervisors to supervise key areas such as: exits, snack areas, bathrooms, main floor as well as identify staff floaters. The small groups do not need to stay together, all members will be allowed to circulate using the Buddy System (groups of at least two), but never alone. Both members and Staff will be given a meeting time and place and then sent out to enjoy the Field Trip.
Heightened - For these types of field trips the staff to member ratio should be no less than 1:10. During these types of trips Group Supervisors must keep all the members together for the duration of the field trip.
Non-Contained - A 1:10 staff to member ratio is required. Group supervisors must keep all the members together for the duration of the trip.
Staffing - For staff, there must be more staff over the age of 18 than junior staff on any field trip when sending the minimum amount of staff. However, additional junior staff can then be sent once the minimum amount of staff is met. For example, on a non-contained field trip with 45 youth members, there must be a minimum of 4 staff one of whom can be a junior staff member. But after that, additional junior staff can be sent as extra supervision.

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