Page 73 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 73

• Seats belts must always be worn when operating a Club vehicle. Should you be injured in an accident and you are not wearing a seatbelt, you will be liable for your additional injuries.
• Every passenger must have his/her own operational seat belt in vehicles which contain them. If an employee places more than one child in a seat belt or fails to provide a seat belt for a child except in extreme emergency (i.e. seat belts breaks while on trip) is subject to immediate termination.
• No unauthorized individuals can ride in a BGCS vehicle without prior approval from the CEO/President.
• Club members must never be left in a vehicle without adult supervision.
• No member should sit in the passenger seat of a van unless every other seat is taken. Front
passenger seat must be filled with a member 13 years of age or older.
• Members loading a vehicle should begin seating with the front row of the vehicle first and then
making their way to the rear. Vehicles should never be loaded beyond the passenger limit.
• Members should be dropped off with vehicle door opening towards the sidewalk.
• When loading and unloading a vehicle, staff must get out of the vehicle to open the door for
members to ensure all children have entered or exited the vehicle.
• Staff will warn members if there are distractions. If the distraction persists, staff will pull over the
vehicle and handle the issue on hand. If the distraction is severe enough to render returning to the Club unsafe, the driver will complete an incident report and the full-time staff handling the incident will notify the parent/guardian to pick up their child. The child will lose transportation privileges for length of time to be determined by the YDS or Branch Director.
• In the event of a flat tire, running out of gas, mechanical issue or accident, the staff will pull over to the median, shoulder, or a safe location where there is no danger of being hit. The staff will then call the Club or immediate supervisor for help. Keep kids in the vehicle with seatbelts on. If in an accident, please follow the accident procedures in this policy.
• Employees shall drive vehicles with reasonable prudence to conserve fuel and sustain them at the highest operating efficiency.
• Copies of Vehicle Registration, Insurance Card, and Vehicle Accident Reports must always be kept in the vehicle.
• Drivers are responsible for the security of BGCS vehicles assigned to them. The vehicle engine must be shut off, ignition keys removed, windows closed, and vehicle doors locked whenever the vehicle is left unattended. At the end of the day, Club vehicles are to be parked in a designated parking spot (i.e., well-lit, in view of any security cameras, etc.).
• Always maintain a properly equipped First Aid kit and emergency roadside kit in the Club vehicle.
• Music is to be kept at a minimal level and must meet organization standards. Any track that
includes language or subject matter inappropriate for public broadcasting in a family environment will be eliminated. Inappropriate subject matter includes, but is not limited to, overt references to sex, violence, drug or alcohol use, racism, sexism, homophobia, foul language, etc.
• Do not enter any areas with low clearance for the van or minibus. The minibus will not meet the clearance in most parking garages and some car washes.

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