Page 76 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 76

• If a parent/guardian or family member of responsible age is not home, the child will be brought back to the Club and a parent/guardian will be called to ensure that child is not going into a scenario where they are left alone.
• If picking up members from homes, staff must honk twice for the member to come out of their home. If the member does not hear, the staff must turn vehicle off and go to the door and knock.
• On a day when the parent/guardian wants the Club to drop off at a different location than their house, the parent/guardian must contact the Club prior to the transportation time and designate that location in writing which includes an address and signature by e-mail, fax or note. If that is not possible, then the parent/guardian or a responsible adult must meet the child at the new location and sign and date a note in writing and include the time and location that the child was dropped off so that we have confirmation in writing of the parent/guardian’s intent.
Field Trips
• Keep accurate, written and readily accessible records of each trip’s participant roster and permission slips on file at the Club and originals with the lead field trip chaperone.
• The vehicle must not depart with any Club member, or other child, for whom written permission from parent/guardian has not been received.
• Check passenger list each time vehicle is loaded and unloaded.
**Refer to Member Supervision on Field Trip Policy No. 409 for additional details.
Policy No. 601 – Vehicle Maintenance
The driver must immediately notify the Branch Director and Director of Facilities & Transportation of any needed maintenance, repairs or replacements. Driver must perform weekly checks at the beginning of each week, before first outing. Check includes tires, lights, seat belts, interior/exterior damage check, air conditioner/heater, First Aid & Bloodborne pathogen kits, and unexpired fire extinguisher. Document any vehicle issues on weekly vehicle check sheet. Gas tank should never get below a 1⁄4 tank.
Vehicle Maintenance Forms are to be maintained by the Facilities & Transportation Director for a period no less than 5 years as required by law.
In emergency situations, Shamrock Towing is the approved vendor (602)523-3300.
Mechanical Failure in Vehicles
In the event of a flat tire, running out of gas, mechanical issue or accident, the staff will pull over to the median, shoulder, or a safe location where there is no danger of being hit. The staff will then call the Club or immediate supervisor for help. Keep kids in the vehicle with seatbelts on. Staff should not change flat tires. If in an accident, please follow the accident procedures in this policy.

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