Page 78 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 78

When content is displayed publicly or semi-publicly, the author, the poster, and the site involved could be sued or held liable if the post defames or harasses others, violates the rights of third parties, or breaches legal obligations and confidentiality.
Staff and volunteers must sign a Social Networking Code of Conduct which explains the appropriate and inappropriate methods of communication. The purpose of this policy is to keep the key elements of the development and safety of our members and our code of conduct and ethics in mind at all times.
Inappropriate Forms of Communication:
• Staff and volunteers text messaging and emailing members using personal phone number and e- mail accounts. All email communications with members should occur from company email accounts, and a supervisor and the member’s guardians must be copied on the email.
• Harsh, coercive, threatening, intimidating, shaming, derogatory, demeaning or humiliating comments
• Sexually oriented conversations
• Private messages between staff /volunteers and members
• Posting inappropriate comments on pictures
• Sending and replying to text messages from members
It is not the intention of BGCS to restrict or diminish the valuable connections staff worked so hard to develop with Club members, but a key question to consider when using social media: Is the potential for inappropriate communication and oversharing detrimental to the reputation of a child-focused organization?
Failure to comply with this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Discipline or termination will be determined based on the nature and factors of any digital communication, blog or social networking post. This may include a requirement to delete or alter the post to an acceptable version.
To assist staff in making responsible decisions about use of social media, the following guidelines have been established.
BGCS Social Media Accounts
All Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale social media is managed by the Marketing & Communications Department. Individual Clubs are prohibited from having their own social media accounts, except for Teen Center - teen-driven social media accounts supervised by the teen full-time staff.
Member Photos
It is the responsibility of Club staff to ensure that all members being photographed have a signed photo approval on file.
Staff and volunteers are not allowed to post photos of ANY members on personal social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.). This includes posting a member on your story or sending photos of members to others through social media.

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