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by septic-ozone system with cost incurred in treating water by
conventional water treatment plants by government. Description Inlet Outlet
Cost Comparison: COD 350-450 <70
System was designed for STP flow of 10,000 lit/day Cost of BOD 150-200 <20
Septic-Ozone System:
TSS 50 <10
For 10 years:
PHH 6-8 6-8
Unit Cost
Quality of Effluent
Septic Tank 3,00,000
2 Sand Filte 1,30,000
We gratefully acknowledge A. M. Ozonics Pvt. Ltd. for providing
1 Carbon Filter 70,000
us case study and necessary data for calculating cost of septic-
3 Pumps (1hp) 50,000 ozone system. We are also thankful to Dr. S. B. Patil for guiding
us in the project.
Ozone Mixer 50,000
Summary & Conclusion
Ozone Generator 1,50,000*2
From the results presented following broad conclusions were
Total 9,00,000
deduced: Effluent of septic tank can be reused for potable
Table2: Cost of entire system purposes after treating it with ozone. Ozone effectively removes
colour, odour, bacteria, COD, BOD and organic matter. Septic
Considering 10% electricity charges and 5% maintenance charges, tank in conjuction with ozone is cost effective when sewage is
Grand Total = 10,35,000 to be treated for potable purposes. Instead of using land for
drainfield, it can now be used for other important purposes
Note: Ozone generator rates are added twice as it has to be which can save the cost of land. Load on treatment plants can be
changed after every 5 years.
reduced as considerable amount of sewage will be treated on-site.
Cost of treating and supplying water by Government:
For 10 years:
• D. Butler and Judy Paynet (1995). “Building and
Description Rates (Rs.) Environment” Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 419-425.
Current water charges per 1000 lit 46.66 • Cecil Hammond and Tony Tyson (1999). University of
for industries
Georgia College of Family & Consumer Sciences and
Water Charges for 10,000 lit/day 46.66*10=466.6 College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences.
Water Charges per year 46.66*300=1,39,980 • Ernest R. Blatchley III, Nimrata K. Hunt and James E. Smith
Jr (2001). “Ozone Disinfection in Drinking Water.” Bridging
Water Charges for 10 year 1,39,980*10=13,99,800
the Gap: pp. 1-5.
Table3: Cost of treating and supplying water by
• Sheng H. Lin and Wen Y. Lin (1994). “Continuous Treatment
Note: Only 300 days are taken into consideration, as it is expected that
mill will be closed for 65 days in a year. We also haven’t calculated tax of Textile Water by Ozonation and Coagulation.” J. Environ.
levied by government in building new sewage treatment plants, which Eng., 120(2), 437-446.
can considerably increase the cost of treatment.
78 Water Today - The Magazine l March 2020