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“More Players Entering India is a Positive Sign for the
Country in Terms of Market Attractiveness“
DuPont is a global innovation leader with technology-based materials, ingredients and
solutions that help transform industries and everyday life. The employees apply diverse science
and expertise to help customers advance their best ideas and deliver essential innovations in
key markets including electronics, transportation, construction, water, health and wellness,
food, and worker safety. DuPont Water Solutions, part of DuPont’s Safety & Construction
business, is an industry leader committed to innovation, reliability and customer support.
In India, DuPont has grown its footprint to include R&D and Application lab, and Shared
Service center in Hyderabad, Corporate office and Innovation Center in Gurgaon, regional
office in Mumbai and manufacturing sites at Savli, Sohna, Daman and Madurai. With a
growing employee base spread across various locations, DuPont in India is well-positioned to
partner with customers to deliver the innovations that matter.
Being an Indian from Water scarce environment to
Name: Mr. H.P Nanda
Current position? Your Perception.
Company: DuPont Water Solutions
Indians are globally famous to be adaptive, resilient and
Designation: Global Vice President & GM thrive in chaos. We can leverage such strengths to handle the
Achievements: Mr H.P Nanda started his career water challenges we are facing as a country and bring various
with DuPont in India in 1998, holding stakeholders to work together and make India water positive by
many diverse roles of increasing 2030.
responsibilities in sales, marketing,
supply chain, strategy, growth & Please take us through your journey with DuPont and
innovation and general business how do you see the Indian Water Infrastructure sector
management. He is a mechanical growing going ahead.
engineer and MBA from Xavier Institute I grew up in a small village in Odisha. After my mechanical
of Management, India.
engineering and MBA, I joined DuPont in India in 1998.
Key Projects: Mr. H.P Nanda led the Global Strategy, Since then, I have lived in Taiwan, China and currently based
Growth and Ventures for DuPont in the USA leading DuPont Water Solutions since Jan 1,
Protection Solutions. He leads the 2018.
global Water Solutions business with During the last 24 months of my role, every time I see a
1,800 employees, 8 manufacturing world water map, India is shown red. I always feel the pain.
sites, 9 technology centers and India is a young country with 1.3 billion people, where water
commercial presence in most key is life. In my recent visit to India, I met Niti Aayog (National
countries around the world. Water Institution for Transforming India) and saw articles in
Solutions business is the global leader magazines, billboards and had conversations on current
with a portfolio of technologies to water needs. We all acknowledge the challenge and hope to
solve water challenges for industrial, see major changes in coming years. The water infrastructure
residential and wastewater.
sector is thus poised for significant growth. But we need to
80 Water Today - The Magazine l March 2020