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3) Now, in 2019 Swift Filters is the first one again to reduce for environmental concerns and clean water issues. We hit the
heavy metals, pharmaceuticals waste, arsenic, E. Colie and correct spot on time. We are just ready to introduce this new
much more. innovative filter which meet today’s water and environmental
Our Aim is to replace RO system because RO systems are
not eco-friendly and result in waste of drinkable water. Swift You were recently awarded for the Best Eco-Friendly
filters do not require electricity nor service contract or special Water Filtration Product Company at the Food & Drink
handling, it is quick connecting. As long as there will be new 2019 Awards in North America please comment and
challenges to the quality of water we will keep finding ways what is the plan ahead?
of improving the process.
Since it came as a surprise, it gives us a lot of energy to push
How different is eco-friendly filter from conventional harder to bring new innovations in the years to come and
filters? also felt that there are people who care about environment.
Our main goal is to provide clean drinkable water.
Conventional filters will use older methods of creating
activated carbon. The process of creating activated carbon What do you think is the need of the hour?
come from many sources, but this is not so transparent
from an ethical standpoint. The problem can be if arable Clean drinkable water for life without damaging the
land is deforested or the facility is polluting. In our research environment and natural resources, both are really critical for
before choosing to use coconut carbon we had options to life as well as the affordability from consumer point of view.
use cheaper variations, but suppliers could not assure us that Do you plan to make an entry into the Indian Market?
they were using modern techniques that eliminate emissions.
In our estimation we have done our part in reducing 10 -20 Yes, we are planning to enter the India Market in 2020 because
tonnes of emissions a year. we believe that our filters will really make a difference. Top
five water filter companies from India have contacted us to
How difficult was it to break through alongside explore the market. Our prime business motive is to provide
conventional filters when you started off? clean drinkable water to people at affordable prices.
It has been very difficult and there were struggling points in Swift Green Filters are environmentally friendly yet is the
the journey. We explored many types of technologies and only manufacture that reduces E. coli virus, heavy metals,
understood the principles, visited many countries to explore lead, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury,
their technologies and got consultancy from world renowned selenium, metals, lead, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper,
scientists and then developed our own method. It took us mercury, selenium, prescription drugs, insecticide, Voc’s
five years of struggle for the third innovation with much chlorine, chloramine, asbestos, cyst, turbidity and PFOS and
higher capacity. more without leaching harmful chemicals.
What is the maintenance for eco-friendly filter unlike We want to help humanity first. We will try to bring this
conventional filters? product at very low affordable prices.
None for customers, we do the recycling in-house.
Considering the US and Canada are all about latest
scientific inventions and technologies, how was the
We are ahead in our innovative technology and since it has
been in news from every city around the world, public outcry
Water Today - The Magazine l March 2020 85