Page 16 - Wago_AutomationTechnology_Volume3_2015_US.pdf
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1    WAGOframe

   14   FDT frame application for device parameterization, commissioning and diagnostics with DTM device driver

        WAGOframe: JUMPFLEX  Signal Conditioner parameter setting             WAGOframe: Wizard function

        WAGOframe is software based on the FDT/DTM standard for
        parameterization, commissioning and diagnostics of field devices.
        DTM device drivers, for the devices employed, are required to use the
        WAGOframe FDT frame application.

        The WAGOframe FDT frame application provides a wizard to
        simplify the operation of components, such as WAGO JUMPFLEX  DTMs.
        This wizard guides the user through the different operating modes of DTM
        device drivers.
        Depending on the PC communication interface used, an
        appropriate communication cable including DTM is required.

       Description                  Item No.        Pack. Unit  Technical Data
       WAGOframe                    759-370         1       Supported operating systems  Windows XP (SP3 or later), Windows 7
                                                            System requirements
                                                              Processor               1 GHz or higher
                                                                                      32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
                                                              Memory                  min. 1 GB RAM
                                                                                      2 GB RAM or greater recommended
                                                              Hard disk storage       min. 300 MB
                                                              CD-ROM                  required
       Accessories                  Item No.        Pack. Unit
                                                              Graphics resolution     min. 1024 x 786
       WAGO USB communication cable,    759-923     1                                 1280 x 1024 or higher recommended
       2.5 m long                                             Mouse                   required
       WAGO USB communication cable,    750-923/000-001  1    Miscellaneous           Open interface on the PC for
       5 m long                                                                       device communication
                                                                                      (e.g., USB, serial, ETHERNET, etc.)
                                                            Delivery type             CD-ROM with software and documentation
                                                            Additional requirements   Cable between PC communication interface
                                                                                      and device. DTM software for the
                                                                                      PC communication interface used.
                                                                                      DTM software for the device.

                                                            Windows  is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
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