Page 20 - Wago_AutomationTechnology_Volume3_2015_US.pdf
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1 WAGO BACnet Configurator
WAGO’s BACnet Configurator is an independent commissioning, configura- Depending on the function used, both online and offline operation is pos-
tion and management software. sible.
The configurator fully supports the BACnet-specific functions of WAGO’s
750-829, 750-830 and 750-831 BACnet Controllers. The configurator displays all configuration data. To edit BACnet objects, the
configurator offers specific table views in which the corresponding properties
The configurator creates and configures WAGO BACnet Controllers and sets of the object can be modified. Typical table editing functions, e.g., search/
up data exchange between the IEC application and BACnet objects. Import replace, sort, filter and show/hide, are available. The user can upload the
and export functions allow further processing of the configuration data. updated configuration data to one or more controllers and save as a proj-
For integration into existing BACnet networks, the BACnet devices available
can be scanned, displayed in a browser and data exchange can be imple- The configurator provides a browser to view the BACnet object properties
mented for WAGO devices. and modify current parameters (communicate value changes, write property
values, utilize BACnet services, etc.).
Among the configurator’s capabilities are the logical structuring of the proj- Additionally, a Transaction Log window is available for client services.
ect and network, addressing of the controller and client/server configuration
in every WAGO BACnet Controller.
The devices, objects and configuration data are displayed in a logical, struc-
tured network and browser view.
Description Technical Data
WAGO BACnet Configurator Supported operating systems Windows XP (SP3 or later), Windows 7
The WAGO BACnet Configurator can be downloaded for free at:
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.