Page 19 - Wago_AutomationTechnology_Volume3_2015_US.pdf
P. 19
IEC 61850 Configurator 1
Configuration dialog integrated in WAGO-I/O-PRO v2.3 for IEC 61850 communication parameterization 17
IEC 61850 configuration dialog
The IEC 61850 Configurator is part of the WAGO-I/O-PRO v2.3 software. Time synchronization is performed via SNTP, NTP, DCF77 and GPS (750-
The configurator fully supports the IEC 61850-specific functions of the 640 Module is also required for GPS).
WAGO telecontrollers. Various options are available for the time synchronization of telecontrol
substations (server). Synchronization can be performed via (S)NTP or clock
The configurator sets up IEC 61850 objects, while configuring data time can be synchronized via DCF77 or GPS using the WAGO 750-640
exchange to the PLC application or I/O modules. Import and export func- Module.
tions in IEC 61850 SCL exchange format allow configured data to be trans-
mitted to other engineering tools. The IEC 61850 MMS server can simultaneously maintain up to five connec-
tions to the control system (client).
On the server side, the IEC 61850 protocol is supported for MMS* com-
munication to the control system. Some controllers can also be operated as *MMS = Manufacturing Messaging Specification
a GOOSE publisher or subscriber. This permits the creation of gateways
that convert one protocol into another, e.g., allowing data from protection
devices to be received via GOOSE and transmitted to the network control
system via IEC 60870-5-104 protocol.
Description Technical Data
IEC 61850 Configurator System requirements WAGO-I/O-PRO Version or higher
Function IEC 61850 server
Object types IEC 61850-7-4 and IEC 61400-25
Data sets static and dynamic
Reporting buffered and unbuffered
Supported controllers
with MMS communication 0750-0872
with MMS and GOOSE communication 0750-8202/0025-0001