Page 14 - Parker - AC890/AC890PX series
P. 14

Modular Systems Drives

        AC890 Systems Drive

        Features                                                               Benefits
                                                                               Integrated safety functionality
        Range of feedback options                                              The integrated Safe Torque Off (STO)
        •  Incremental encoder                                                 functionality offers protection against
        •  EnDat® 2.1 (SinCos) encoder                                         unexpected motor start-up, in accordance
                                                                               to EN13849-1 PLe, SIL 3 as standard.
        •  Resolver

                                                                               Minimal delay between fieldbus
                                                                               setpoints and the control loops

                                                                               Designed to integrate in existing
                                                                               automation systems, the AC890 features
        Versatile communications                                               high performance ports linked directly to

        •  Ethernet/IP                                                         the fast control loops of the drive. Minimum
        •  Modbus/TCP                                                          delay exists between your digital setpoint
        •  CANopen                                                             sent through a fieldbus and the control
        •  Profibus-DP                                                         loops.
        •  Profinet/IO
        •  EtherCAT                                                            Replacement of analog solutions
        •  RS485                                                               Your existing analog setpoint-based
        •  DeviceNet                                                           solutions can be replaced by a digital
                                                                               fieldbus-based solution with minimum
        •  ControlNet                                                          bandwidth loss.
        •  FireWire IEEE 1394
        •  USB port                                                            Flexible feedback options
                                          Serves the most                      The AC890 offers system designers
                                          demanding applications               complete flexibility in their choice of

                                          Taking advantage of leading edge     feedback technology to best suit the needs
                                          control algorithms running on        of their application.
                                          a fast 150 Mhz microprocessor,
                                          the AC890 drive can achieve          Open standards for protection of
                                          very high bandwidth control
                                          loops. This allows you to use the    investment
        Ultra-fast control loops          drive for the most demanding         The AC890 has been specifically designed to
                                          industrial applications e.g.         integrate seamlessly into your automation
        •  Torque loop: 62.5µs                                                 network. To connect to your PLC or fieldbus
        •  Speed loop: 62.5µs             printing, registration, cut-to-      network you can simply choose from the
        •  Position loop: 62.5µs          length, position synchronization,
                                          rotary shear, converting and         wide range of communication technology
                                          slitting.                            boxes.

          Two performance levels to suit all applications :
          Advanced Performance                                       High Performance

            Motion control with position control, Motion control    All “Advanced Performance” features PLUS: Library of
          function blocks: incremental move, absolute move, move   pre-engineered application specific LINK VM function
          home Section Control : line drive master ramp, winder   blocks such as: Shaftless printing, cut-to-length, ad-
          blocks (speed and current winder), PID process, sequencer,   vanced winding, advanced traversing and others.

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