Page 15 - Parker - AC890/AC890PX series
P. 15

Modular Systems Drives

          AC890 Systems Drive

          Space saving compact footprint thanks to modular design concept

            Stand Alone version (SD)               Common Bus System (CS+CD)
                                                                                           Removable terminal
                                                                                           block connections for
                                                                                           easier installation and

                                                    Common Bus System
            The Complete Drive                      The AC890 is also available in a common

            The AC890SD series Stand Alone version   bus platform, where multiple motor
            provides a complete AC input to AC mo-  output drives (CD) are easily connected
            tor output drive, with keypad and display   to a common DC bus supply (CS).
            included. Perfect solution for single mo-  Characteristics of the common bus
            tor applications where line regeneration   drive (AC890CD) :
            is not required.                        ■  Power output to 150 HP in 5 frame
            Characteristics of the AC890SD          ■   Power Supply : 320 to 705 VDC
            include:                                ■   Compatibility with all feedback and
            ■  Power output up to 1500 HP             networking options
            ■  208-500 VAC input supply             ■  24VDC control board supply for
            ■  Compatibility with all feedback and      programming without power
              networking options                    ■   Torque and speed analog outputs
            ■  Built-in dynamic brake switch with   ■   USB programming port
              provision to add external braking     Characteristics of the common bus
              resistor                              supply module (AC890CS):
            ■  24VDC control board supply for pro-  ■   Power output 25 to 135 HP
               gramming without power               ■   Power Supply : 208-500 VAC
            ■  Torque and speed signal outputs      ■   Built-in dynamic braking unit
            ■ USB programming port                    (external braking resistor required)
            ■ Operator keypad/display for program-  ■   Operator display
            ming, status, and diagnostics           ■   Up to 162A output per module

                                                                                           Fast connection of the
                                                                                           common DC busbars
          Reduced dimensions, compact             The control terminals are plug-in style,
          footprint                               simplifying connection to the drive during
                                                  installation and allowing a fast swap-out
          The AC890 has been designed to be       for maintenance purposes.
          compact and require the minimum
          possible cabinet space. Boasting the latest   The Common DC bus also helps to
          innovations in semiconductor cooling, the   keep the overall size of the system to a
          AC890 is a class leader in terms of its size.
                                                  minimum. Simply open the bus terminal
                                                  cover, connect the bus bars and close.

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