Page 2 - Parker - Oil and gas downstream applications filtration products for hyrdotreating
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Filtration for process effi ciency
From crude to fi nal production
When refi ning presents complex challenges, Parker
domnick hunter fi ltration systems present solutions
which respond to today’s demanding worldwide market.
We offer innovative and application-specifi c fi ltration
to help ensure integrity and purity throughout the
downstream process.
Downstream demands Filtration in refi neries Global support with local perspective
After upstream drilling and transport, Filtration plays a signifi cant role in Wherever you are in the world and
crude oil must be processed in a improving the fl uid quality of the whatever the process requirements,
refi nery. Effi cient processing of hydrotreating process fl uids and fi nal Parker domnick hunter’s dedicated
several hundred thousand barrels of desulfurized product by protecting the support team is there to help you get
crude oil a day – essentially a non- downstream pump, heat exchanger, the most out of your fi ltration systems.
stop operation – demands fi ltration heater, compressors, and the fi xed-bed We have a presence in all of the major
solutions that perform reliably, even catalyst reactor. petroleum processing regions offering
under extreme conditions. Parker local and technical support for refi nery
domnick hunter meets these needs This protection of catalyst, critical applications.
with fi ltration systems that get the downstream equipment, and
job done with minimal maintenance improvement of process fl uids PROCESS APPLICATIONS
and downtime. effectively minimize costs through:
• Hydrotreater feed
Hydrotreating process • Reduction of process upsets and • Lube oil
Refi neries use the hydrotreating downtime • Make-up hydrogen
process to desulfurize petrochemical • Extension of catalyst life
• Desulfurized hydrocarbon
feed stock through a catalytic • Improvement in production and
conversion. Downstream of the operation effi ciency • Sour water
refi nery distillation process, • Protection of processing equipment
petrochemical feed stocks and • Lowering of maintenance costs
hydrogen are combined and fed to the
fi xed-bed catalyst hydrotreater at high Committed to process optimization
temperatures and pressures. Parker domnick hunter recognizes
that due to the hazards associated with
Contaminant sources include sulfi de petroleum production maintenance
from the catalytic reaction and along with high disposal costs,
feedstock impurities which would minimizing both change out frequency
signifi cantly reduce productivity. and process downtime are of utmost
importance. Our fi ltration systems are
optimized to ensure that the total cost
of ownership for contaminant control
is balanced, without compromising
process effi ciency.