Page 3 - Parker - Oil and gas downstream applications filtration products for hyrdotreating
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resulting particulates that foul downstream piping
                                     (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) constituents in sour
                                       water , filtration is important for capturing the
                                    Due to corrosion caused by the hydrogen sulfi
                     Oil & Gas
                                  Sour Water

                                Sour Gas
                                      Gas to Amine Treater
                                        for H 2 S Removal
                                           Gas and waste water treatment equipment. Water  Filter  Reflux  Condenser  Gas  Reboiler Seperator  Steam  Vapor  Fixed-Bed  Reactor  Filter  Liquid  Sour  Water  Stripper Desulfurized Filter  Product  Desulfurized Product Filtration systems safeguard downstream equipment,  such as distillation columns, reactors, heat exchangers,   nery efficiency and limit     and pumps, to maximize refi process downtime. Hydrotreater feedstock Filtration prev
                                                         Fired  Heater                                Feed

                                  Purge  Gas  Lean  Amine   Rich  Amine   Heat  Exchanger                Filter


                                            Contactor             Make-up  Hydrogen

                                                         Sulfer-free  Gas  Filter  Hydrogen Rich  Recycle Gas  Make-up hydrogen Filtration protects system performance by  removing particulate from the hydrogen stream  prior to entering the petrochemical feed stock.

                                 Hydrotreating                             Recycle Gas Compressor

                                                 life and ensures that the equipment maintains

                                               Filtration of lube oil extends compressor
                                                  functionality by avoiding damage caused
              Process Overview
                                                                          Lube Oil

                                              Lube Oil  by particulate.
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