Page 4 - Parker - L90LS Mobile directional control valve
P. 4

Catalogue HY17-8504/UK                             Mobile Directional Control Valve
        General Information                                L90LS

        The L90LS is a stackable, multi-section,   directly by means of levers or remotely by   Examples of optional functions
        load-sensing, pressure-compensated   pneumatic, electro-pneumatic, hydraulic   Depending on the application and oper-
        directional valve for mobile machines such   or electro-hydraulic remote control. Some   ating criteria of the machine, a wide range
        as cranes, skylifts, forklift trucks, platform   of our remote-controlled spool actuators   of common, section- or port-specific
        trucks, excavators and harvesters. It is   can be fitted with a supplementary direct   optional functions can be integrated into
        designed for working pressures of up to   lever to give a dual-control and/or emer-  the L90LS. Examples include:
        320 bar and a maximum pump flow of    gency facility. The wide range of actuating   •  a bypass function in the inlet section for
        200 l/min. The valve can be given excel-  options gives the machine designer great   systems fed by fixed pumps.
        lent simultaneous-operating character-  freedom in terms of control criteria and
        istics, which enable several machine   component location.           •  a pump-unloading function that blocks
        functions to be operated responsively at                                the pump inlet when activated, thus
        the same time, regardless of the sizes of   Customisation and economy   enabling an emergency-stop function
        individual loads.                  The L90LS can be tailored optimally to   to be incorporated into the system.
           To facilitate precise customization   control either simple or complex machine-  •  section-specific pressure compensa-
        for different applications, the L90LS is   functions and combinations thereof.   tion.
        of wholly modular construction. Each   Its facilities for integrating total, wholly   •  port-specific relief and anti-cavitation
        valve is therefore built to order, so that it   customized solutions for a wide range of   functions.
        incorporates exactly the valve functions   applications give low system costs and
        and values needed to control the given   minimal energy consumption.  •  port-specific feed reduction.
        machine in an optimal way.                                           •  port-specific force-feedback functions
                                           Safety and serviceability            that enable force-sensing and also
        Compact, integral system           The design of the L90LS makes it easy   provide a hydraulic ramp function.
        construction                       for machine manufacturers to comply with   •  a load-signal copying function to elimi-
                                           national and international safety regula-
        The total modularity of the L90LS gives   tions, such as those contained in the EC   nate micro-sinking.
        unique opportunities to integrate a wide   Machinery Directive. Special safety func-  •  a built-in pilot-pressure function in the
        range of normally external functions into   tions for machines such as cranes and   end section.
        the valve. Such functions can be common   skylifts can be integrated into the valve in
        or specific to individual spool-sections, so   a logical and simple way. With all system   •  a counter pressure function that gives
        that widely differing criteria for individual   functions contained in a robust, compact,   exceptionally good make-up character-
        machine functions can be met in just one   pre-tested unit with minimal external   istics and the possibility of unloading
        valve. This enables compact, tailored,   pipework, overall safety and reliability   lowering movements.
        logical, pre-tested, service-friendly system   is greatly improved at the same time as   •  section-specific two-speed functions
        solutions to be created for many different   servicing and the training of personnel is   that enable switching between perform-
        types of machine.                  made much easier.                    ance and precision work in machines
           In situations where flow demands vary                                such as cranes and skylifts.
        so greatly that two separate directional   Spool sections and flow rates  •  automatic stopping functions for
        valves would normally be required, the   The L90LS can be supplied in combina-  selected machine movements in the
        L90LS can, with the aid of a special   tions of 1-12 spool sections or in combina-  event of overload or the reaching of
        combo-inlett, be flanged to a larger valve   tion with special function manifolds fitted   other pre-determined limits.
        such as the K170LS or K220LS to give   between spool sections. The maximum
        a compact, unitized system solution and   recommended flow rate per spool section   •  priority for machine functions such as
                                                                                brakes and steering.
        optimum economy.                   is 125 l/min, or 90 l/m when equipped with
                                           a pressure compensator.           •  Flow distribution between different
        Wide range of spool actuators                                           consumers at maximum flow take-off
        The spools in the L90LS can be actuated                                 from the pump.
                                                          4                         Parker Hannifin
                                                                                    Mobile Controls Division Europe
                                                                                    Borås, Sweden
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