Page 5 - Parker - L90LS Mobile directional control valve
P. 5

Catalogue HY17-8504/UK                            Mobile Directional Control Valve
            System Description                                L90LS

                                                         B  A              B  A       PS


                               P1                                                              T3

                                        PL PX                                       LSP

            Principle circuit diagram for valve with load sensing.
            Load sensing systems, LS
            In the load sensing system both pressure and flow are modulated
            to match immediate needs from the consumers, with a pressure   q(l/min)     Flow rate in work port
            level corresponding to the heaviest load at that moment.
               The load signal system of the L90LS consists of an appro-
            priate number of changeover valves, which compare the load                 250 bar lower
            signals from the spool sections. The highest load pressure is   80         50 bar            q pump
            transmitted and controls the variable pump either directly or via a
            copy spool.                                         60
               In order to achieve good operating characteristics, the pump
            should be sized to deliver flow equal to the sum of all simultane-
            ously working functions. If the control pressure difference cannot   40
            be maintained, the operating characteristics of the valve can
            quickly deteriorate, and the controlled functions will influence
            each other, progressively resulting in lower loads receiving more   20
            flow than the higher ones.
               In common with a constant flow system, simultaneously
            working functions should have approximately the same pressure   0
            requirement or they should be divided into separate circuits for   0  20  40  60   80     100
            high operating efficiency.                                                      Lever stroke in %
            Operating characteristics                           In the L90LS equipped with PC, ECS and ECH closed spool-
            With a correctly adjusted L90LS valve, the operating charac-  actuators, the spools are pressure compensated, with the result
                                                                that the load’s influence on speed is negligible.
            teristics of the system are very good. The constant differential
              pressure maintained by the pump means that the flow to the
            heaviest load in a load sensing system is always pressure
               However, load sensing does not mean that other functions   When there are demands for very good simultaneous-operating
            are pressure compensated. To achieve good operating character-  characteristics or intensive, multi-section operability and respon-
            istics, the spools should be adapted for each function.  siveness, individual spool-sections in the L90LS can be equipped
               L90LS valves are designed for remote control and have   with integral pressure-compensators. Sections so equipped are
              pressure-compensated spools. This means that the regulated   not then influenced by other simultaneously-operated machine
            flow remains constant at a certain lever position, regardless of   functions, regardless of the variations in loads, provided there is
            pressure variations in the system.                  sufficient pump capacity.

                                                              5                        Parker Hannifin
                                                                                       Mobile Controls Division Europe
                                                                                       Borås, Sweden
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