Page 4 - Parker - Inks, Paints and coating filtrations
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                          MARKET APPLICATIONS Raw Materials & Intermediates  • Resins  • Polymers  • Water  • Pigment  • Oils  • Plasticizers  • Emulsions  • Solvents  Printing Inks  • Gravure  • Flexographic  • Screen Printing  • Conductive  • Non-Impact  • UV Sensitive  Specialty Coatings  • Automotive  • Enamels  • Adhesives  • Sealants  Commerical &   Industrial Coatings  • Varnish  • Lacquer  • Architectural Paint  • Dyes

                     consistent quality and process optimization

                          The coatings manufacturing process  will vary between products even if   correct filter for the various stages     is, therefore key to ensuring that the   complex the manufacturing process  demands also become increasingly   and disposal costs, it is important     provide minimal product waste and  low process downtime, so that the  total cost of ownership of a coatings     compromizing the quality of the end   product.

                   Providing a cost-effective filtration technology that ensures  they are closely related. Choosing the   customer's process is fully optimized.  As coating formulations become more   more critical. With increasing energy   the filtration systems we recommend   filtration system is balanced, without

             Introduction  Parker domnick hunter’s proven  product range and applications  experience in coatings enables us to  ensure that every step of the coatings  manufacturing process meets the    cations. customers' quality specifi  The manufacture and application of  a coating can be divided into the   following processes:  Resin processing and introduction   •   of resins to blending and   dispersion phases. Production of deionized water for   •  use in aqueous based coating
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