Page 19 - Parker Catalog 4400 - Hose, Fittings and Equipment
P. 19


               When specifying hose, there are   Parker hoses carry different
               two temperatures you need to      temperature ratings for different
               identify. One is the ambient      fluids. For example, 811HT hose
               temperature, which is the         has a temperature range of -40°F
               temperature that exists outside    to + 257°F (-40°C to +125°C) for
               the hose where it is being used;   petroleum-based hydraulic fluids.
               the other is the media temperature,   However for water, water/glycol,
               which is the temperature of the    and water/oil emulsion hydraulic
               media conveyed through the hose.   fluids, the range drops to a rating of
                                                 up to +185°F (+ 85°C). Air is rated
               Very high or low ambient tempera-  even lower at up to 158°F (+ 70°C).
               tures can have adverse affects on
               the hose cover and reinforcement   Some media can increase or
               materials, resulting in reduced   decrease the effects of temperature
               service life.                     on the hose. The maximum rated
                                                 temperature of a hose is specific
               Media temperatures can have a     to the media. See the Minimum/
               much greater impact on hose life.   Maximum Temperature Chart in
               For example, rubber loses flexibility   Section E for a full listing of all
               if operated at high temperatures for   temperature ratings.
               extended periods.


               Before selecting a hose, it is    handled by our family of abrasion-  •  SAE (Society of Automotive
               important to consider how the hose  resistant hose with both Tough    Engineers)
               assembly will be used. Answering   and Super Tough covers.         •  EN (European Norm)
               the following questions may help:                                  •  DIN (Deutsches Institut für
                                                When application space is tight,    Normung)
               •  What type of equipment        bend radius is another important
                 is involved?                                                     •  ISO (International Organization
               •  What are the environmental    consideration. Parker offers a full   for Standardization)
                                                line of hoses designed for one-half
               •  Are mechanical loads          SAE bend radius at full SAE-rated
                                                pressures. We offer hoses with
                 applied to the assembly?
               •  Will the routing be confined?  increased flexibility and smaller
                                                outer diameters enabling faster,
               •  What about hose fittings –    easier routing in small spaces,
                 permanent or field             reducing both hose length
               •  Will the assembly be          and inventory requirements.       Governmental agencies control
                 subjected to abrasion?                                           additional standards for particular
                                                Industry standards set specific    industries such as U.S.C.G. and
                                                requirements concerning           ABS. You must select a hose that
               Sometimes specific applications   construction type, size, tolerances,
               require specific hoses. For      burst pressure, and impulse cycles    meets the legal requirements as well
               example, applications where      of hoses. Parker hydraulic hoses   as the functional requirements of the
               hoses will encounter rubbing or   meet or exceed standards such as:  application.
               abrasive surfaces, would be best

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