Page 21 - Parker Catalog 4400 - Hose, Fittings and Equipment
P. 21

Pressure                                                               Hose overview chart
                                                                                       Hose    Hose    Standard   SAE  ISO  EN  Page
                                                                                       Size  Reinforcement
                                                                                            –4  –5  –6  –8  –10  –12  –16  –20  –24  –32  –40  –48  Range °F
                                                                                       387  3000  3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000  18752  A-13
                                                                                       487 722  4000  4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000  –40/+212/ +257  18752 18752  A-14 A-15
               When considering hose pressure,                                       A A  GlobalCore  787 797  5000 6000  5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000  –40/+212/ +257 +257 +257  18752 18752  A-16 A-17
                                                                                             4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
                                                                                             6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
                                                                                       451TC/ST  3000  3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000  –40/+212  100R17/  11237-1-R17  A-18
               it’s important to know both the                                         451TC Twin Tough  3000 3000  –40/+212  100R17/  11237-1-R17  A-19
                                                                                     B  711       3000 3000  –40/+212  J1942  A-20
               system working pressure and any                                         Constant Working Pressure  351TC/ST  4000  4000 4000 4000 4000  –40/+212  100R19 J517  J517  J1942  A-21 A-22
                                                                                                     –40/+257 100R12/  3862-1-R12 856-R12
                                                                                             4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 3000 2500 2500
               surge pressures and spikes.                                             781 P35  5000 5000 5000 5000  5000  –40/+257 100R13/  3862-1-R13 856-R13  A-23 A-23
                                                                                                      100R13/  3862-1-R13 856-R13
                                                                                     C  782TC/ST  5000 5000 5000 5000  –40/+257 100R13/  3862-1-R13 856-R13  A-24
                                                                                       791TC    6000 6000 6000 6000  –40/+257 100R15/  3862-1-R15  A-25
                                                                                       792TC/ST  6000 6000  –40/+257 100R15/  3862-1-R15  A-26
                                                                                       JK   10500  10000  –40/+120  100R2AT 1436-1-2SN  853  A-27
               Hose selection must be made       To mix and match components is to   D  422 482TC/ST  3250 3125 2600 2325 1875 1525 1275  900  725  575  –40/+212 100R1AT/  1436-1-1SN 853-1SN  A-28 A-29
                                                                                            3250 3250 3000 2500 2000 1750 1275
                                                                                                     –40/+212 100R1AT/  1436-1-1SN 853-1SN
                                                                                             2250 2000 1500 1250 1000
               so that the published maximum     increase the risk of hose failure – a   426 302 431 436  2750 5800 5000 4750 4000 3600 3100 2400 1800 1300 1150 375  –50/+302 100R1AT/  11237-R16  A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33
                                                                                                     –40/+212 100R2AT/  1436-1-2SN 853-2SN
                                                                                            5000 4250 4000 3500 2750 2250 2000
                                                                                             4000 3500 2750 2250 2000
               working pressure of the hose is   dangerous situation regardless of   E  Hydraulic – Industry Standard  471TC/ST  5800  5000 4250 3625 3125 2500  –40/+212  J1942 J1942  11237-1-2SC 857-2SC  A-34 A-35
                                                                                                        11237-1-2SC 857-2SC
                                                                                             5000 4250
                                                                                       471TC Twin Tough
               equal to or greater than the      setting or application.               472TC AX BXX  3000 5000  3000 2500 1500 1250 1000  2250 1800 1300  –40/+212  J1942 J1942 J1942 J517  A-36 A-37 A-38
                                                                                             4000 3500 2750 2250 2000
               maximum system pressure.                                                722TC/ST  A-6 3000 2500 2500  –40/+257 100R12/ 3862-1-R12 8560R12  A-39
               Surge pressures or peak transient                                    Hose Overview page A-6
               pressures in the system must be   working pressure of the hose and   to A-7.
               below the published maximum       the end connections used.
               working pressure for the hose.
                                                 Here is an example: An
               Each Parker hose has a pressure   F471TC0101040404-60”                  Pressure  Pressure Rating of Hose End
                                                                                       Catalog 4400 US
               rating which can be found on the   hose assembly (which consists        THE MAXIMUM DYNAMIC WORKING PRESSURE OF THE HOSE ASSEMBLY IS THE LESSER OF THE RATED WORKING PRESSURE   A  A
                                                                                             PRESSURE RATINGS HOSE ASSEMBLIES - PSI
                                                                                             OF THE HOSE AND THE END CONNECTIONS USED.
                                                                                                    Inch Size Fittings
                                                                                        Hose End  Number Part  (psi)
               Hose Overview Chart on page A-6,   of 471TC-4 hose and two              Male Pipe (NPTF)  Codes 01  12,000 12,000 -4  -5  10,000 10,000 -8  -10  -12 7,500  -16 6,500  -20 5,000  -24 3,000  -32 2,500  -40  -48
                                                                                       Female Pipe
                                                                                       (NPTF, NPSM)
                                                                                            02 & 07
                                                                                            91 & D9
                                                                                       Male Pipe (BSP)  92, B1, B2 & B4  7,500 5,000 5,000  7,000 9,000 9,000  6,000 8,000 8,000  5,000 6,250 6,250  5,500  4,000 5,000 5,000  3,000 4,000 4,000  2,500 3,500 3,500  2,000 3,000 3,000  2,000 3,000 3,000
               to A-7 and in Section E.          10143-4-4 fittings) would have        JIS O-Ring Swivel and 45° Flare*  13, 1L, S2, 0G, 0L,48, 08, 77 & 79  5,000 3,000  3,000  5,000 3,000  5,000 3,000  2,750  4,000 2,250  3,000 2,000  2,500 1,625  1,500 1,250  1,500 1,125  B
                                                                                       Female Pipe (BSP)
                                                                                            FU, GU, MU & UT
                                                                                       37° Flare and Straight Thread*
                                                                                            11 & 12
                                                                                       SAE Flareless  03, 05, 06**, 37, 39**,41, L7 & L9  6,000 6,000  6,000 6,000  5,000 5,600  5,000 5,600  5,000 4,200  5,000 4,200  4,000 3,500  3,000 3,500  2,500 3,000  2,500 3,000
                                                                                       SAE Inverted Flare  28, 67 & 69  2,750  2,500  2,250  2,000
                                                 a maximum working pressure            Seal-Lok®* (O-ring Face Seal)  JM, JC, JS, J0, J1,  9,200  9,200  9,200 5,000  6,000  6,000 5,000  6,000 5,000  4,000 4,000  4,000 4,000  3,000  2,500  2,000
                                                                                            J5, J7 & J9
                                                                                            15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
                                                                                       SAE Flanges Code 61
                                                                                            26, 27 & 89
                                                                                       SAE Flanges Code 61 Special  6A, 6E, 6F, 6G, 6N,XA, XF, XG & XN  6,000  6,000  5,000 6,000  5,000 6,000  5,000 6,000
                                                                                           4A, 4B, 4F, 4G & 4N
               All Parker hydraulic hoses have   of the lesser of the three            For adapter pressure ratings, see Tube Fittings Division catalog 4300.  C
                                                                                       SAE Flanges Code 62
                                                                                       *NOTE:  45°, 37° and Seal-Lok Torque Tables are on page E-17
                                                                                       **NOTE: For pressure rating of 01, 06 and 39 end configurations in 73, 77, 78, and 79 series, see each description in Section B.
                                                                                       Hose End  Number Part  Metric Fittings
               passed the industry rated specifica-  components. In this case the      Description  C3, C4, C5 & 1D  3,500 -6  3,500 -8  3,500 -10  3,500 -12  -14  -15 3,500  -16  2,250 -18  -20  2,250 -22  -25  1,400 -28  -30  -35 1,400  -38  -42 1,400
                                                                                       DIN Light “L”
                                                                                       without O-Ring
                                                                                       DIN Light “L”
                                                                                       with O-Ring  D0, CA, CE & CF  4,500  4,500  4,500  4,500  4,500  2,250  2,250  2,250  2,250  2,250  D
               tions for burst pressure and carry a   fittings have a 12,000 psi rating.   without O-Ring  C6, C7, C8 & 3D  9,000 9,000  9,000 9,000  9,000 9,000  9,000 9,000  5,750 6,000  5,750 6,000  5,750 6,000  3,500 6,000  3,500 4,500
                                                                                       DIN Heavy “S”
                                                                                       DIN Heavy “S”
                                                                                         C9, 0C, 1C & D2
                                                                                       with O-Ring
                                                                                       DIN 20078
                                                                                       Form C  C0    900  900  900  900
                                                                                       Banjo  49  3,000  3,000  3,000  3,000  3,000  3,000  3,000  3,000
               4:1 design factor unless otherwise   The hose has a 5,800 psi rating.   French Metric  F9 & FA  3,000  3,500  2,000  2,250  2,000  1,900  1,750
                                                                                       Hose End  Number Part  French Gaz Fittings  E
               noted. Burst pressure ratings for   Therefore the maximum pressure      French Gaz  F4, FG, GJ & GE  5,250 -13  3,900 -17  3,700 -21  3,000 -27  -33 2,500
                                                                                       *NOTE: ALL THE ABOVE RATINGS ARE BASED ON LOW CARBON STEEL HOSE FITTINGS. HIGHER PRESSURE RATINGS CAN BE ATTAINED WITH
                                                                                       MEDIUM CARBON AND ALLOY STEEL HOSE FITTINGS AND MATING ADAPTERS.
               hose are for manufacturing test   rating of the hose assembly would        The Maximum working pressure of hoses are listed with each hose description in Section A.
               purposes only. They are not an    be 5,800 psi. Pressure ratings for
               indication that the product can    each Parker end connection can    Pressure Rating of Hose End
               be used above the published       be found on the Pressure Rating    Connections page E-47.
               maximum working pressure.         of Hose End Connections –
               It is for this reason that the burst   PSI Chart in Section E.
               pressure ratings have been
               removed from the hose charts      Pressure spikes can
               within the catalog.               occur during machine
                                                 operation in an instant.
               Care must also be taken when      They can occur so
               looking at the “weakest link” of the   quickly in fact, that
               hose assembly. A hose assembly    standard glycerin filled
               is rated at the maximum working   gages will never detect
               pressure of the hose and the fitting   them.  Using a pressure
               component. Therefore the maxi-    diagnostic system like
               mum working pressure of the hose   Parker’s SensoControl
               assembly is the lesser of the rated   can help detect how
                                                 often and how drastic
                                                 these pressure spikes
                                                 are.  Contact your Parker representative today.
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