Page 24 - Parker Catalog 4400 - Hose, Fittings and Equipment
P. 24

Inner beauty                                           Inner Tube Compounds

            The inner tube of a hose is       Type            Features
            offered in several different
            rubber compounds. Each rubber     PKR  Rubber     Excellent resistance to ozone and weathering; good heat
            compound can react differently to                 resistance. Good resistance to petroleum-based fluids.
            the media being conveyed. The     Synthetic Rubber   Excellent resistance to petroleum-based fluids and
            inner tube must also resist effects               environmentally friendly fluids.
            of high or low temperatures
            and environmental elements.       Butyl Rubber    Very good weathering resistance. Good physical properties.
            The table on the right highlights                 Poor resistance to petroleum-based fluids.
            popular rubber compounds used     EPDM Rubber     Excellent resistance to phosphate ester fluids and dry air.
            for hose inner tubes:                             Poor resistance to petroleum-based fluids.

            Strong like spiral               100R4, 100R12 and 100R13
            bends like braided               type hoses, reducing hose length
                                             requirements by up to 47%. The
            Looking for flexible hose that can   tighter bend radius means fewer
            be routed in tight spaces?
                                             bent tube fittings, and longer life
                                             in applications where machinery
            Parker has a full line of hoses   movement causes hoses to bend    GlobalCore Hose has
            designed for one-half SAE bend   sharply. It also means reduced    half the bend radius of its SAE
            radius at full SAE pressure. These   inventory requirements for you.  counterpart and a significantly
            hoses plumb and bend tighter                                       smaller bend radius than
            than other SAE 100R1, 100R2,                                       corresponding-size Parker
                                                                               conventional spiral hose.

                                               GlobalCore  Bend Radius
                                               Not only is it 1/2 the bend radius, but it takes
                                               1/3 less effort to bend.

                               GlobalCore  797TC-12          SAE 100R15
                                has 1/2 the
                                Bend Radius



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