Page 2 - Parker - Compax3 series
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Compax3 Series

               Servo Drives & Drive/Controllers

               With its high performance and   Compax3 Common Features:
               modular design, the Compax3     •   Available in both 120/240   •  Flexible feedback options
               family of industrial servo drives   VAC and 480 VAC input          including: resolver,
               and drive/controllers offers a new   versions                      incremental encoder,
               level of servo performance and   •   Integrated safety: Compliant   Heidenhain Endat 2.1
               flexibility. The modular structure   to EN954-1 Category 3 safety  (single/multi-turn),
               of the Compax3 family allows    •   Current output from 2.5 A      Stegmann Hiperface
               options such as intelligent motion   (rms) continuous to 155 A     (single/multi-turn), SinCos
               controllers, communication         (rms) continuous                high-resolution, hall-only
               interfaces and industry standard   •  Flexible communication    •  Internal regeneration
               motor feedback. In addition,       options including:              circuitry; external resistor
                                                  ETHERNET Powerlink,
               numerous expansion options         EtherCAT, DeviceNet,            connections for additional
               can be added to the standard       CANopen, Profibus, TCP/IP,      power dissipation
               product in order to optimize the   RS-232 (3-wire), or RS-485   •  Full diagnostic, tuning and
                                                                                  4-channel oscilloscope tools
               capabilities required for today’s   (2- or 4-wire)                 provided in the standard C3
               demanding servo applications.   •   Easy-to-use wizards-           ServoManager  software
               The family is offered in two       based configuration and      •   Software input simulation
               variations: standalone (C3S and    programming via C3           •   Auto-load identification
               C3H) and a DC bussed multi-axis    ServoManager  software          (auto-tuning)
               version (C3M).                     package                      •   CE (EMC & LVD), UL and
                                                                                  cUL recognized
               SinCos  and Hiperface  are trademarks of Sick-Stegmann, Inc.
               2                   Parker Hannifin Corporation  •  Electromechanical Automation Division  •  800-358-9070  •
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