Page 5 - Parker - Compax3 series
P. 5

Industry Standard Communications (T11, T30, T40)

                                                                         Q u i c k T i m e ™    a n d    a
                                                                            d e c o m p r e s s o r
                                                                        a r e    n e e d e d    t o    s e e    t h i s    p i c t u r e .

               The support of all common                        The digital I/Os can be optionally extended by 12 I/Os
               communication interfaces is       Digital I/O    using the M12 option
               an essential feature of open                     DP Versions:           DPV0 / DPV1
               systems. Among these are          Profibus       Baud rate:             Up to 12 MHz
               Profibus, CANopen, DeviceNet                     Profibus ID:           C320
               as well as the modern Ethernet                   Baud rate [kBit/s]:    20 – 1000
               based EtherCAT and Powerlink      CANopen        Service data object:   SDO1
               interfaces. The open OPC                         Process data object:   PDO1 – PDO4
               communication standard                           I/O Data:              Up to 32 bytes
               simplifies system integration     DeviceNet      Baud rate [kBit/s]:    125 to 500
               considerably. For dynamic, multi-                Participants:          up to 63 slaves
               axis synchronized applications, a                Baud rate:             100 Mbits
               real-time drive bus is available for   TCP/IP    Port:                  44822
               all Compax3 family drives.                       IP Address:  
                                                                Baud rate:             100 Mbits (Fast Ethernet)
                                                                Cycle time:            1 ms
                                                                Baud rate:             100 Mbits (Fast Ethernet)
                                                                Cycle time:            1 ms

               IEC61131-3 Programming Environment (T30, T40)

                IEC61131-3 is a manufacturer-  The text-based languages include:   IEC61131-3 Features
                independent programming        •  Structured text (ST)         •  Five programming
                environment for industrial     •  Instruction list (IL)           languages to choose from
                automation devices. This                                          for ease of use
                programming interface brings   An environment is also available   •  Worldwide support for
                tremendous flexibility to the user   for structuring program flow:   programming languages
                as well as worldwide recognition   •  Sequential function chart   •  Program portability
                and support. The IEC61131-3       (SFC)                        •  Multiple languages may be
                programmer may choose from                                        combined within a single
                five standard languages, both   The standard IEC61131-3           project
                graphical and text-based, in   programming language has        •  Minimal training and
                order to develop the code for   gone beyond establishing itself   support effort
                their application. Thus, users   in PLC systems in the last few   •  Portability from one
                can program their device in the   years. Today it is also frequently   application project to
                language or languages they are   used for PCs, SCADA systems      another project
                most comfortable with.
                                               and also motion control systems.   •  IEC programming editor built
                The graphical languages include:   The intelligent drive/controller   into the standard C3 Servo-
                                               versions of the Compax3 family     Manager  software
                •  Ladder diagram (LD)         use the IEC61131-3 interface to
                •  Function block diagram      give users new levels of flexibility
                •  Continuous function chart   and power when developing their

               Parker Hannifin Corporation  •  Electromechanical Automation Division  •  800-358-9070  •  5
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