Page 15 - Parker - OSP-P Pneumatic Rodless Cylinders and Linear Guides
P. 15

Catalog 0980                                      OSP-P Pneumatic Rodless Cylinders and Linear Guides
            System Concept & Components                       Standard Rodless Pneumatic Cylinders

             Clean Room Version                                                   SLIDeLINe
             certified to DIN eN ISO 14644-1                                      Combination with
                                                                                  linear guides
                                                                                  provides for
                                                                                  heavier loads.

                                                                                  Roller bearing
                                                                                  precision guidance
             Rodless Cylinder                                                     for smooth travel
             for synchronized bi-parting movements                                and high dynamic
                                                                                  or static loads.

                                                                                  the compact
                                                                                  aluminum roller
                                                                                  guide for high loads
                                                                                  and velocities.

            New low profile                                                       Recirculating ball
            piston / carrier design.                                              bearing guide for
                                                                                  very high loads
                                                                                  and precision

                                                                                  KF GUIDe
                                                                                  Recirculating ball
                                                                                  bearing guide – the
                                                                                  mounting dimensions
                                                                                  correspond to FeStO
                                                                                  type: DGPL-KF

                                                                                  HeAVY DUtY
                                                                                  GUIDe HD
                                                                                  for heavy duty

                                                                                  VARIABLe StOP VS
                                               Adjustable end cushioning          the variable stop
                                               at both ends are standard.
                                                                                  provides simple
                                                                                  stroke limitation.

            Integral dovetail rails on three sides   INteGRAteD
            provide many adaptation possibilities   VOe VALVeS                    Passive pneumatic
            (linear guides, magnetic switches, etc.).  the complete               brake reacts
                                               compact solution                   automati cally to
            Modular system components          for optimal cylinder               pressure failure.
            are simply clamped on.             control.

                                               SeNSOFLeX                          Active pneumatic
                                               SFI-plus                           brake for secure,
                                               incremental                        positive stopping
                                               measuring system                   at any position.
                                               with 0.1 (1.0) mm

                                                             B3                        Parker Hannifin Corporation
                              ORIGA                                                    Glendale Heights, Illinois
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