Page 5 - Parker - OSP-P Pneumatic Rodless Cylinders and Linear Guides
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Catalog 0980                                      OSP-P Pneumatic Rodless Cylinders and Linear Guides

            PARKER-ORIGA rodless pneumatic cylinders
            are the first rodless cylinders that have been
            approved for use in potentially explosive
            atmospheres in Equipment Group II,                                                                      A
            Category 2 GD
            The Cylinders are to the ATEX Certification
            94/9/EG (ATEX 95) for Pneumatic
            For ATEX Certification, consult factory for
            ordering assistance.


                            for use in Ex-Areas                                 High Temperature Version
                                                                                for temperatures up to +120°C

                            for Clean Room Applications                         Low Temperature Version
                            certified to                                        for temperatures up to
                            DIN EN ISO 14644-1                                  -40°C

                            Stainless steel version                             Slow Speed Version
                            for special applications               0.005 m/s    v = 0.005 – 0.2 m/s

                            with special pneumatic                              High Speed Version
                            cushioning system for cycle             < 30 m/s    vmax. = 30 m/s
                            time optimization,
                            for Ø 16 to 50 mm
                            – on request

                                                             A3                        Parker Hannifin Corporation
                              ORIGA                                                    Glendale Heights, Illinois
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