Page 6 - Parker - OSP-P Pneumatic Rodless Cylinders and Linear Guides
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Catalog 0980 OSP-P Pneumatic Rodless Cylinders and Linear Guides
the System Concept One Concept – three Drive Options
Based on the ORIGA rodless cylinder, proven in world wide markets, PARKER-ORIGA now
offers the complete solution for linear drive systems. Designed for absolute reliability, high
A performance, ease of use and optimized engineering the ORIGA SYSTEM PLUS satisfies
even the most demanding applications.
The actuators at the core of the are the principle building blocks of the
is a totally modular concept which
offers the choice of pneumatic or system all have a common aluminum system to which all modular options
are directly attached.
extruded profile, with double dovetail
electric actuation, with guidance and mounting rails on three sides, these
control modules to suit the exact
needs of individual installations.
SYSteM MODULARItY • Electric Belt Drive • Different guidance options provide
• Pneumatic Drive – For high speed appli cations, the necessary level of precision,
– For all round versatility and accurate path and position control performance and duty for various
convenience, combining ease of and longer strokes. applications.
control and broad performance
capability. Ideally suited for For additional information on • Compact solutions, which are
point-to point operations, electric linear actuators, please simple to install and can be easily
reciprocating movements and contact factory for OSP-e literature. retrofitted.
simple traverse / transfer
applications. • Valves and control options can be
directly mounted to the actuator
• Electric Screw Drive system.
– For high force capability
and accurate path and • Diverse mounting options to provide
position control. total installation flexibility.
A4 Parker Hannifin Corporation
ORIGA Glendale Heights, Illinois