Page 2 - Parker - InteractX 4.0 Windows supervisory HMI software
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Reduce Supervisory Application

               Development Time By Up To 80%

               Working with Xpress™ HMI, InteractX™ significantly lowers
               the cost of integrating Supervisory HMI

               By far, the largest cost associated   InteractX Supervisory HMI with Interact Xpress
               with moving your operation
               from standalone operation to
               Supervisory HMI has typically
               come from the time it takes to
               develop special applications for
               the Supervisory software.   When
               supervising machines running
               Interact Xpress, InteractX
               eliminates most of that time and
               cost.  That’s because InteractX
               can import screens and data
               directly from Xpress applications.
               And InteractX’s new Historical
               Trending Tool provides powerful
               monitoring and analysis of  all
               machines being supervised.

               InteractX also takes full
               advantage of Xpress’ “Distributed
               HMI” architecture to remotely
               run, monitor and publish multi-
               machine HMI applications
               with reduced complexity and
               integration cost.
               •  Leverage your existing
                  Interact Xpress™ screens
                  and data by bringing them
                  directly into InteractX 3.0  Advanced Connectivity Features
               •  Full-featured Historical
                  Trending software combines  •  Bundled Communications        •  OPC Tag Server: Any
                  data from multiple              Drivers: InteractX’s            InteractX tag can be
                  machines and sources,           COMMServer includes 60+         accessed by OPC Client
                  including 3rd-party PLCs        bundled communications          applications such as
                  and HMI panels                  drivers, with serial and        SCADA systems, DCS, MIS
               •  Take full advantage of          Ethernet drivers for major      applications, etc.
                  Interact Xpress’ Distributed    PLC and motion controller    •  Networking: Share real-
                  HMI architecture to publish,    brands.                         time data via Ethernet
                  monitor and trend machine    •  OPC Client Interface:           between InteractX or other
                  operations                      Provides connectivity to        SCADA systems, Xpress
               •  Easily upgrade from             any 3rd-Party OPC Server;       HMI, Interact HMI and back
                  standalone machine              allowing InteractX to           office applications.
                  HMI to Supervisory HMI          communicate with any
                  without complex systems         of the hundreds of OPC
                  integration                     Servers.

               2                   Parker Hannifin Corporation  •  Electromechanical Automation Division  •  800-245-6903  •
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