Page 3 - Parker - InteractX 4.0 Windows supervisory HMI software
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Enhanced Interface Design Reduces Development Time

               Parker’s InteractX™ offers the
               most advanced development
               interface and graphics of any
               Windows HMI, with the lowest
               installed cost and development
               You’ll be able to use InteractX
               right out of the box, without    With the Navigation Panel      The Integrated Tag Editor
               special IT skills or assistance.    Wizard, you can quickly create   includes time-saving Tag Group
               It’s user-friendly, visual design   menus for navigating through your  and Import Tag features for
               interface includes styles and    entire HMI application.        quickly creating, searching and
               templates that enable multiple                                  editing tags.  You can even import
               users to quickly build applications                             AB tags directly!
               with a  consistent “look and feel.”
               InteractX’s toolbin allows custom
               tools or entire screens to be saved
               for drag and drop into other
               applications and easy sharing
               between designers.

                                               The enhanced Browser Display    Easily configure InteractX for
                                               Tool dynamically browses web    Multi-language Support.  All
                                               content and Help files via runtime   text, alarms, screens, and history/
                                               screens.                        log data can be translated into a
                                                                               single CSV file.

               InteractX simplifies 21CFR11                       Nested Recipes can be downloaded as a data
               Compliance by tracking operator                    source, allowing InteractX to manage/edit detailed
               input and providing Electronic                     Recipes and formulations, which can also be
               Signatures that are easily                         shared with multiple machines running Xpress.
               configured with no special
               scripting or programming required!
                                                 InteractX System Requirements

                                                 Development Supported:        Runtime Systems Supported:
                                                 Windows XP Pro                Windows XP Pro
                                                 Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit   Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit

               Parker Hannifin Corporation  •  Electromechanical Automation Division  •  800-245-6903  •  3
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