Page 4 - Parker - InteractX 4.0 Windows supervisory HMI software
P. 4
Scalable graphics Intuitive property
allow “drag & click” editors make it easy
creation of panel tools to control objects
Object-style menus & Create visual effects
toolbins visually guide & animation with
screen development studio style interface
Unlimited tags - labor- Create/edit fully
saving tag input - drag rendered panels - as
& drop to spreadsheets they appear in runtime
Panel Tools: Over 20 pre- Visual Basic for Applications (VBA): OPC Connectivity
configured panel tools for Fully integrated by Kepware:
buttons, panel lamps, gauges, VBA with Connectivity
readouts and more. access to tools, to any 3rd-
graphics, alarms, application party OPC
Graphics: Eye-catching, vector- properties and tags. Server; allowing
based graphic elements; free- communication with any of the
form animation; high-quality Integrated Tag Editor: Drag- hundreds of OPC Servers.
graphics import, unlimited and-drop tag editing with easy
colors, roundness, gradients, import/export, including PLC OPC Tag Server: Tags can
materials and transparency. address and “Where Used” be accessed by OPC Client
information. Support of full math applications such as SCADA
Alarms: Monitor and capabilities for tag scaling and systems, DCS, MIS applications,
acknowledge real-time and creation of complex expressions. etc.
historical alarms with advanced
features for user access, filtering, Multi-Language Support: Networking: Real-time data
grouping, logging and printing. Translate all text, alarms, screens, sharing via Ethernet with AB,
and history/log data in a single CSV Siemens, Modbus and more.
User Security Levels: 21CFR11 file - including Asian character set.
compliant, multi-user access Trending: Historical trend logging
levels with unlimited number of “Pack & Load” Project and replay in both Graphical
users. Management Tools: Simplify and Log form views. No limits on
application management, the number of items logged or
ActiveX Support copying, transferring and displayed in the Trend viewers.
and Automation: installation in multiple locations.
Host standard, off-the-shelf,
3rd-party tools like Media Player, Bundled Communications
vision tools, trending, etc. Or Drivers: Includes 60+ bundled
customize application with Excel, communications drivers,
Access, VB or C++ programs. including serial and Ethernet
drivers for major PLC and motion
controller brands.
All published product specifications are subject to change without notice.
© 2013 Parker Hannifin Corporation INTX-1008 3.18.13