Page 15 - Parker - K220LS Mobile directional control valve
P. 15

Catalogue HY17-8537/UK                            Mobile Directional Control Valve
            End section                                       K220LS

                                                                                               [P34] Tank connection
                                                                                               T31 or T3

                                                                                               LS connection

              [P40] Tank connection
              for the pilot circuit

              [P32] Pump connection

            [P30 - P44] End section                             [P40] Tank connection for the pilot circuit
                                                                /     Not prepared for separate pilot return.
            [P30] End section                                   TP    Separate tank connection for the pilot circuit is open.
            US     Standard end section.                              The connection to the main tank gallery of the direc-
                                                                      tional valve is blocked. The function is recommended
                                                                      for systems in which there is a risk of dynamic pressure
            [P31] LS connection                                       fluctuations in the tank line, which can cause fluctuations
            LSP    Port for connecting LS signal from fallowing       in the pilot circuit when there is a common tank line. TP is
                   valve open.                                        recommended for electrohydraulic spool actuators.
            LSPB   Port for connecting LS signal from fallowing   TPB    The end section is prepared for separate tank connection
                   valve plugged.                                     of the pilot circuit and plugged. The tank return of the pilot
                                                                      circuit is connected to the tank gallery of the directional
            [P32] Pump connection P2
            P2     Pump connection P2 is open.
            P2B    Pump connection P2 is plugged.

            [P34] Tank connection T3
            T3, T31  Tank connection T3 is open.
            T3B    Tank connection T3 is plugged.

                                                             15                        Parker Hannifin
                                                                                       Mobile Controls Division Europe
                                                                                       Borås, Sweden
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