Page 7 - Parker - P1/PD series medium duty axial piston pumps
P. 7
HY28-2665-01/P1/EN Medium Duty Axial Piston Pumps
Technical Information P1/PD Series
Control Option “C”
Pressure Limiter Control
The pressure limiter control is used to limit the but at the maximum pressure setting of the
maximum system pressure. The control acts such FRPSHQVDWRU FRQWURO ,I WKH RXWOHW ÀRZ LV FRPSOHWHO\
that full pump displacement is achieved unless the EORFNHG WKH SXPS ZLOO GHVWURNH WR ]HUR GLVSODFHPHQW
system valve restricts the output flow or the load and maintain the pressure at the setting of the
pressure reaches the maximum setting of the control. compensator spring.
If pump flow is restricted by the system valve, the
pump will provide only the flow demanded,
pressure limiter control pressure limiter control with minimum displacement stop
4 bar maximum 4 bar maximum
flow flow
pressure pressure
D3 D3
D2 D2
A D1 A D1
Pressure Limiter Control Pressure Limiter Control
with Optional Maximum & Minimum
Displacement Adjustments and
Case-to-Inlet Check Valve
(A minimum displacement stop requires
the use of a system relief valve.)
Refer to page 4 for typical control characteristics.
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Hydraulic Pump Division
Marysville, Ohio USA 5