Page 2 - Parker - Energy saving technologies or motor driven hydraulics
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Parker Hannifin - the global leader

         in motion and control technologies

          Manufacturing Excellence            A Winning Combination              Manufacturing to Meet
                                                                                 Our Customers’ Needs
          It goes without saying that Parker   By combining expertise in the
          Hannifin know hydraulics. As a      fields of hydraulics and electronics,   Parker is committed to meeting the
          world leader in pumps, motors,      Parker is poised to offer unique   increasing service demands that
          hoses and fittings, valves, and     system solutions wherever pumping   our customers require to succeed
          filtration, Parker is a household   is involved.                       in the global industrial market.
          name in the industry. But Parker                                       Parker’s manufacturing teams
          Hannifin also has more than 40      Local Application Expertise        seek continuous improvement
          years experience in the design and   Parker has local engineering      through the implementation of lean
          manufacturing of drives, controls,   resources committed to adapting   manufacturing methods throughout
          motors and mechanical products.     and applying our current products   the process. We measure ourselves
          With dedicated global product       and technologies to best fit our   on meeting our customers’
          development teams, Parker draws     customers’ needs. The convenience   expectations of quality and delivery,
          on industry-leading technological   of working with one source for     not just our own. In order to meet
          leadership and experience from      electronics and hydraulics is a    these expectations, Parker operates
          engineering teams in Europe, North   unique advantage offered by Parker.  and continues to invest in our
          America and Asia.                                                      manufacturing facilities in Europe,
                                                                                 North America and Asia.

        Installation, service and training

          As well as delivering effective,    providing comprehensive help        For maximum effectiveness, Parker
          efficient solutions adapted to your   and assistance with all aspects of   can also train your teams to enable
          specific needs, we are keen to      maintaining the performance of your   them to maintain and support your
          ensure that the performance of our   drive systems.                     installed products.  Training programs
          products continue to meet your      Parker also offers a whole  host of   and courses are run throughout
          expectations throughout their life.                                     the year at our training facilities
                                              on-site services and maintenance
          To this end, we have 24/7, 365      contracts, designed to ensure the   and can be adapted to the specific
          day support provided by a team of   maximum possible lifespan of your   requirements of your business, or
          experienced application engineers    installations is achieved.         even delivered on-site.

                                                                   Local Support

                                                                   Parker provides sales assistance and local
                                                                   technical support through a network of dedicated
                                                                   sales teams and authorized Hydraulics Technology
                                                                   Centers throughout North America. For contact
                                                                   information, please refer to the Sales Offices on
                                                                   the back cover of this document or visit www.
                                                          and refer to the distributor locater.

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