Page 5 - Parker - Energy saving technologies or motor driven hydraulics
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Variable Speed Hydraulic Solutions
Drives for Induction and PMAC Motors Hydraulic Pumps
Fixed Displacement Pumps
AC690+ Integrator Series Vane pumps like the T6 and
Process AC890PX High T7 series offer fast pressure
cycle change with precise flow
FUNCTIONALITY Sensorless PMAC AC650V General (Contact Factory) repeatibility, and are a good
Power Drive
candidate for variable speed
Purpose High
control. Likewise, PGP series
The AC650V range of variable Performance gear pumps known for high
efficiency and low noise at high
speed drives provide simple Simple General Purpose pressures can benefit from the
speed control of three phase AC application of a variable speed
induction motors through 150HP POWER drive.
10 HP
150 HP
2000 HP
(110kW). Thanks to sensorless flux AC Drives Product Range Overview
vector technology, the AC650V Variable Displacement Pumps
provides exceptional control Parker manufactures a range of
at low speeds, accurate speed variable displacement pumps
regulation of variable loads, and which are also compatible with
high starting torque. With a range electronic variable speed drives.
of pre-programmed macros, the The PD series, for example, an
AC650V is quick to setup and easy axial piston pump is quiet and
to operate. EMC filters, standard efficient, but can benefit from
up to 10HP (7.5kW) ensure adjustable speed. By trimming
compatability with current EMC The AC650S range of variable speed the shaft speed with a VFD, the
regulations. drives is unique in that it controls a power requirement to drive it is
permanent magnet AC (PMAC) motor reduced. Likewise, the PVplus
The AC690+ range of drives takes without the need for an encoder is a heavy duty piston pump
control of three phase AC induction or other feedback device. PMAC made for demanding industrial
motors through 150 HP to the motors are more compact and energy applications, and can be made
next level. Offering three modes of efficient than AC induction motors but more flexible by introducing
operation, v/f, open loop vector, traditionally require complex controls. variable speed to the equation.
and closed loop vector, the AC690+ With its innovative control algorithm,
provides flexibility for multiple the AC650S provides a cost effective, This list is by no means
applications. AC690+ offers I/O simple solution. Used with the exhaustive. Please consult
comparable to a PLC, with function Parker NX series or EX hazardous your Parker sales specialist for
block programmability and pre- environment motors, we can provide additional information on pump/
programmed macros to boot. Add a single-source solution for pumps drive compatibility.
the expansion module to provide through 10 HP (7.5 kW).
“electronic line shaft”, additional
encoder inputs, and additional I/O Parker NX series PMAC motors
points. are compact but powerful, and more
efficient than induction motors of
The above drives can be paired similar power rating. Team with the
with our line of energy efficient AC AC650S range of variable speed
induction motors. Styles include drives for an efficient and space
laminated steel frame for high effective solution for pumps through
performance and cast iron frame 10 HP. For hazardous environments,
for extreme environments.
specify the EX series.