Page 7 - Parker - Energy saving technologies or motor driven hydraulics
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Packaged Solutions and Systems
The Systems Approach... Packaged Drives
While the Parker SSD AC drive Sometimes an application calls
product lines are known for being for more than just a catalog
user friendly and intuitive, we product. For example, some
understand that some customers peripheral components may
prefer the convenience of more required to complete the
support in the design and installation, like a contactor,
implementation of their control a set of fuses, or an industrial
systems. For this reason, Parker grade enclosure with operator
SSD Drives and our network devices. In cases like this,
of authorized integrators offer to keep your in-house costs
a complete in-house design and labor to a minimum, a
and build service, enabling “Packaged Drive” may be
you to focus on your core the best choice. Using our
competencies. convenient specification form,
just select the series and size of
Based on the fundamental drive, and choose the required
principles of application additional components from a
expertise, quality, reliability checklist, then submit to your
and safety, Parker’s systems territory manager for a quotation.
team are able to undertake all
aspects of an electrical control
system project, from pre- Engineered Systems
Benefits with Parker VFD design specification to on-site For more complex applications where multiple motors are to be
commissioning and programming
• Standard pumps can be used - fixed or variable displacement services. controlled in a coordinated manner, an engineered system may
Selection of system components • Works with 230-460VAC supplies be appropriate. Systems options can include PLC’s, operator
• Runs three phase motor from single phase supply (limited HP range) interface, and programming for a sequence of operations. Advanced
By allowing Parker or one of
• Longer motor service life, with unlimited starts per hour our qualified integrators to communications and data acquisition capabilities can also be
• Less strain on the hydraulics, oil, and other components integrated. Parker offers commissioning, startup, and training
Smooth acceleration and braking undertake the design, build,
• No power surges, no pressure surges (cavitation) services with all systems to insure a trouble-free installation and
• Quick response to change in demand programming and commissioning peak performance thereafter.
of your pump control system,
• Savings on energy consumption, reduced peak power need
Higher efficiency • Reduced CO emissions you can be assured that every
• Less oil heating/reduced need for cooling aspect of the design, from
environmental considerations
• Smaller pumps and coolers needed
Compact dimensions • System takes up less floor space through component selection to
• Reduced hydraulic oil volume mounting of products has been
carefully considered and allowed
• Less need for noise protection
• Improved work environment for.
Reduced noise levels
• Reduced motor shaft rotations
• Smoothed resonant frequencies As an accredited systems builder,
Parker SSD Drives are also able
• Less external hardware
• Simple customization, pre-engineered packages available to undertake the certification
Integrated concept process required to enable
• Fieldbus options (Profibus, CAN, Ethernet, DeviceNet, etc.)
• System visualization systems to be put into service
in any number of manufacturing
• Higher overall system efficiency
• Increased productivity through higher motor speed facilities worldwide.
Frequency control
• Variable volume flow for constant speed pumps across a wide range
• Simple process diagnostics