Page 9 - Parker - Ethernet Powerlink
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ACR EPL...Solutions
Connectivity and communication MultiTasking Fast Ethernet & USB 2.0
features give the ACR flexibility for
use in a wide variety of machine The ACR controllers are true The ACR EPL controllers are
architectures. The ACR EPL excels pre-emptive multitaskers capable equipped with both 100baseT
as a standalone machine and of performing multiple tasks Ethernet and USB2.0. ACR EPL
motion controller, interfacing with simultaneously and toggling supports connection of up
a PC or working alongside a PLC. tasks based on the program to four separate devices over
conditions. The ACR multitasker Ethernet or in combination with
AcroBASIC can control up to 16 AcroBASIC USB and RS232. Each ACR has
programs and 8 ladder logic PLC a programmable IP address so
The ACR series of controllers programs simultaneously. Due single or multiple controllers can
utilizes a dedicated high-level to the preemptive nature of the be easily integrated in factory
programming language called multitasking kernel, programs are networks.
AcroBASIC. This easy-to-use only allocated processing time
language supports a wide range of when running. Programs can be PC-Centric Applications
motion, I/O and communication called on an as-needed basis.
functions. Several hundred In many machines, a host PC is
intuitive mnemonic commands Motion Features responsible for management of
are incorporated into the user interface, motion control,
AcroBASIC for quick application The ACR is loaded with powerful I/O, vision and other processes.
development. The open nature motion functionality, including: For the OEM and end-users that
of the ACR appeals to advanced • Segmented electronic CAM require custom PC software,
programmers as well. Virtually • Electronic gearing with real- Parker supplies libraries for
every possible motion parameter time phase advance developing applications in C++,
and flag can be readily accessed, • Linear interpolation to 8 axes VB and .NET. The ComACR 32-bit
allowing the user to tailor • Programmable limit switch OLE automation (COM) server
applications to the specific with multiple sources
machine requirements. • Advanced gantry control
• 3D arcs and tangent axis
• Hardware & capture registers
• Time-based moves
Advanced Motion with PLC When advanced motion is Typical applications use implicit
Automation required in a machine utilizing messaging for I/O data transfer.
PLCs, the ACR is an easy-to- Data is sent cyclically based on
EtherNet/IP capability gives ACR a user-defined duration. In most
users a popular connectivity integrate alterative. Let the ACR PLCs, the ACR will be seen as an
option to PLCs and other master be the “motion module” in the Ethernet-based I/O block.
devices supporting the protocol. PLC system to handle complex
motion requirements such as Class 3 (TCP) CIP Messages
Applications can be developed linear and circular interpolation, (connected and unconnected)
in AcroBASIC and reside in the contouring, camming and Explicit messaging is a “Class 3”
9000. The controller is added to gearing. connection type, providing point-
the EtherNet/IP network as a Class 1 and Class 3 CIP to-point, event-driven messaging
slave I/O device, allowing the Messages are Supported by over a TCP connection. The
master PLC to interrogate or the ACR EPL scanner/master PLC device reads
set any controller parameter, and writes data to the slave. In
variable value or to initiate a Class 1 (UDP) – I/O with Cyclic a typical application, a function
motion sequence. The master Updates Implicit messaging block in a ladder program would
has continuous access to ACR is a “Class 1” connection type, be used to send a message to
parameters and flags. Simply providing point-to-point or the ACR to command or change
assign an IP address to the ACR multicast messaging over a UDP motion.
without any additional set-up to
Parker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical Automation Division • 800-358-9070 • 9 9
integrate into the network.