Page 15 - Parker - High purity chemicals in electronic application
P. 15

Pleated Depth Filter Cartridges
         Abso-Mate    ®                                   Polyflow  ®                                      Polyflow -G
         • Non-fiber releasing and low extractables       • High-retention depth matrix for economical prefiltration   • Depth matrix for economical prefiltration
         • Single-piece construction eliminates bypass concerns   • High flow rate and long service life reduce processing time   • High flow rate and long service life reduce processing time  Schematic
         • All-polypropylene construction offers wide chemical    • Wide variety of configurations and ratings   • Wide variety of configurations and ratings
          compatibility with most chemicals               • Broad chemical compatibility allows use in most applications   • Broad chemical compatibility allows use in most applications
         • Absolute rated for consistent and reliable performance (99.98%)  • Thermally bonded virgin polypropylene construction    • Thermally bonded virgin polypropylene construction
                                                           minimizes extractables                           minimizes extractables
          Cost-effective and absolute rated for capturing particles 0.2 to 70 μm in size. This   Thermally bonded, absolute rated 100% virgin polypropylene to provide absolute   These nominal-rated depth filter cartridges are thermally bonded from 100% virgin
          pleated melt blown cartridge is of all-polypropylene construction, and without adhesives   filtration cartridge features a random-fiber polypropylene depth matrix to provide   polypropylene. Polyflow-G’s high dirt-loading, random-fiber polypropylene depth media   Selection Process
          that could potentially contaminate fluids.       excellent retention efficiencies. Ideally suited for most high-purity chemical and   provides consistent particle retention and protection of upstream filters.
                                                           solvent pre-filtration applications.

         Fulflo  Poly-Mate                                Fulflo  Poly-Mate  Plus                                                                             Applications
         • All Polypropylene construction maximizes       • Fixed pore construction provides
          chemical resistance                              ultimate particle retention
         • Pleated surface area offers extended service life,    • Offers high flow rates and extended service life                                           Ultra-Pure
          low pressure drop and high flow capacity        • Non-fiber releasing enabling consistent quality filtration performance                            Water (UPW)
         • One-piece, continuous to 40 inches length, integrally sealed    • One piece integral construction for maximum cartridge integrity
          pleated filter media
         • Non-fiber releasing polypropylene construction                                                                                                     High-Purity
                                                                                                                                                              Solvents Isopropyl
          A unique combination of polypropylene melt blown and spun-bonded pleated media   A unique combination of polypropylene melt blown and spun-bonded pleated media
          provides retention ratings of 0.5 to 60 μm at 99% efficiency.  provides high surface area at retention ratings of 0.25 to 100 μm at 90% efficiency.  Alcohol (IPA)
         Polypropylene Membrane Filter Cartridges                                                                                                             High-Purity
                                                                                                                                                              Acids & Bases
         Polyflow  Membrane                               Polyflow  Membrane Select                                                                           Hydrouoric Acid
         • Highly-retentive polypropylene membrane        • Highly-retentive polypropylene membrane                                                           High-Purity
         • Wide range of configurations and ratings       • Unique SELECT pleating technology for higher flow and longer life                                 Acids & Bases
         • Wet-pack option for quick installation         • Wet-pack option for quick installation                                                            Sulfuric Acid
         • 100% thermally welded virgin polypropylene construction  • 100% thermally welded virgin polypropylene construction
         • 100% integrity tested in cleanroom environment  • 100% integrity tested in cleanroom environment
          This all-polypropylene filter cartridge is optimized for use in certain electronics   Polyflow-Membrane-Select is a higher surface area, all-polypropylene filter cartridge ideal   High-Purity
          applications such as the manufacturing of high-purity solvents and most G or I-line   for use in certain electronics applications such as the manufacturing of high-purity solvents   Acids & Bases
          photoresists. Every cartridge is fabricated in a clean room environment, pre-flushed   and most G or I-line photo resists. Every cartridge is fabricated in a clean room environment,   Hydrogen Peroxide
          with 18 megohm-cm ultrapure DI water, and 100% integrity tested.  pre-flushed with 18 megohm-cm ultrapure DI water, and 100% integrity tested.
         Hydrophilic PES Membrane Filter Cartridges
         Clariflow -E                                     Clariflow -E Select                              Clariflow -WE
         • High-retention hydrophilic PES membrane        • High-retention hydrophilic PES membrane        • Economical filtration
         • Good flow rate                                 • Unique SELECT pleating technology for high flow rate and increased life  • High-retention hydrophilic PES membrane
         • DI water and dilute acids and bases            • DI water and dilute acids and bases            • DI water and dilute acids and bases              Selection Matrix
         • Rating down to 0.02 microns                    • Rating down to 0.02 microns                    • Rating down to 0.04 microns
         • 100% integrity tested in cleanroom environment  • 100% integrity tested in cleanroom environment  • 100% integrity tested in cleanroom environment
          Clariflow-E filter cartridges are optimized for semiconductor DI water and dilute   Clariflow-E-SELECT filter cartridges are optimized for high-flow microelectronics DI   Clariflow-WE filter cartridges are an economical option for filtering DI water filtration
          aqueous-based chemicals. A mirrored-anisotropic hydrophilic PES (Polyethersulfone)   water and dilute aqueous-based chemical microelectronics applications. The SELECT   and other dilute aqueous solutions. The filter features a hydrophilic PES membrane
          membrane allows for quick and convenient startup without the need for pre-wetting.  pleated, mirrored-anisotropic hydrophilic PES (Polyethersulfone) membrane enables   and all polypropylene support structure for cost efficient and convenient filtration.
                                                           quick and convenient startup without the need for pre-wetting.                                     Product Overview

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