Page 10 - Parker - High purity chemicals in electronic application
P. 10

        High-Purity Acids & Bases                                                                                           Dilution  DI Water                Introduction
                                          Storage                                                                 2
        Sulfuric Acid                      Tank                                                                                 3

                   Distillation                                                                             Purier                4
        Sulfuric acid is highly used with either hydrogen
       Hydrolyzer                                                                                  Sulfur Trioxide
                                                                                                UHP Sulfuric Acid
        peroxide or ozonated UPW to create an intended                                               Vaporizer
        exothermic reaction. The added energy to this                                           Liquid                                                        Selection Process
                       Isopropyl Alcohol
        aggressive acid is ideal for removing hard-baked                                     Sulfur Trioxide      4                                                 Degasication
                                                                                                                                                        Storage Tank
 Absorber  photoresists and most organic contaminants                                          Storage                                                  & Air Vent Filter
        from the surface of silicon production wafers.                              Sulfur Trioxide
 Sulfate                                                                             Condensor                                                                                         UV
 Esters                                                                                                                                                                               Station
        A common method of creating sulfuric acid                    1        Sulfur Trioxide                                                                 Applications
        begins by mixing oleum and steam to produce                            Evaporator
        sulfur trioxide vapor. Filters may be used to                                         5                                             Osmosis           Ultra-Pure
        remove large particles and provide protection                                                                                       System 2          Water (UPW)
        to the evaporator.
             DI Water                                 Core Filter(s)  Location    Purpose         Features              Benefits  Reverse  Advantages
 Propene  The SO3 is condensed then vaporized again just                                                                        System 1                      High-Purity
        before entering a series of purifier columns. The   Fluoroflow   1      Steam filter  100% fluoropolymer   Temperature rating     Protection of       Solvents Isopropyl          EDI
                                                                                                                                                              Alcohol (IPA)
                                                                                                                       up to 180C
        number of purifiers will depend on the H2SO4   Fluoroflow-HSA                            construction      Pretreatment         absorption process
        specification. Exiting the absorber column is pure                                                           Tank
 Sulfuric  concentrated sulfuric acid.           Ultapure Fluoroflow-HSA           High                                                                       High-Purity        Ion
 Acid                                           Dilute HF                2      temperature   100% fluoropolymer   Temperature rating    Protect and enhance   Acids & Bases   Exchange
        The pure concentrated acid is cooled and                                   acid          construction          up to 180C       distillation process  Hydrouoric Acid
        carefully diluted into usable concentrations.    Fluoroflow-XL          vaporization                                        Ultra-Pure Water               Storage
        From there, the acid goes through a series of   Clariflow-WE                                                                                          High-Purity
                                                                                                                                                                    & Air
        membrane filtration steps, each succeeding                                              Hydrophilic PES   Removal of particles in   Provide consistent   Acids & Bases
                                                                                                                                                                  Vent Filter
        step tighter than the previous until particle   Clariflow-E      3        DI water        membrane      UPW down to 0.02 microns  source of UPW       Sulfuric Acid
        specifications are met and the product is   Clariflow-E Select
  DI Water                                                                   Oxidizer                                                               Ion
        packaged for the end user.                    Chemflow-PE                            Water                                                Exchange    High-Purity
                                                   Chemflow-PE Select  Rich Air             Recycle                                                           Acids & Bases
                                                                                                                                                              Hydrogen Peroxide
                                                       Proflow II-E                Stage/     PTFE membrane on                           Process particle
                              Storage               Proflow II-E Select  4      pre-filtration/  either HDPE,PFA or   Fine particle removal  control
                              Ultrapure      DI Water                             blending    PP support structure
                             Aquesous HF             Fluoroflow-HSA                                                                                           Services
 Anhydrous HF        Distillation                 Hydrogen                             Purication
                                                           Hydrogen Peroxide
       Concentrated                                   Chemflow-PE
        Aqueous HF Hydrouoric Acid                Chemflow-PE Select                         PTFE membrane on                          Final filtration step    Selection Matrix
                                                       Proflow II-E
                                                                                              either HDPE, PFA or
                                                                                                                                         product particle
                                  Anthraquinone     Proflow II-E Select  5      Final package  PP support structure  Fine particle removal  to help meet final
                                   + Solvent                                                                                              specification
                                                    Fluoroflow-Select  Purication  Purication                                                               Product Overview
                                                                       Column 2
                                                                                 Column 1
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