Page 8 - Parker - High purity chemicals in electronic application
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                         DI Water
        High-Purity Solvents                                                                                                     Storage                      Introduction
        Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)                                                                           Distillation  3           4                                                             Column
                                                                                             Hydrolyzer                                                       Schematic                   Sulfur Trioxide
                                                                                                                                                                                      UHP Sulfuric Acid
        Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) is the most common                                                                                                                                    Liquid
        solvent used in semiconductor manufacturing. It                                                 3                                                                           Sulfur Trioxide                                            Storage Tank  Degasication
        may be used to rinse wafers in certain processes                        Absorber                      Isopropyl Alcohol                               Selection Process                                                               & Air Vent Filter
                                                                                                                                                                          Sulfur Trioxide
        where water contact is not desirable. IPA is also                              Sulfate                                                                             Condensor                                                                                          UV
        used to dry wafers and other Microelectronics                                  Esters                                                                       Sulfur Trioxide                                                                                         Station
        devices since it will not streak or leave watermarks.                                                                                                        Evaporator
        While there are different methods of manufacturing                                                                                                                                                                        Reverse
        IPA, a common one is through the combination                                                 2                                                        Applications                                                        Osmosis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  System 2
        of propene and sulfuric acid to create sulfate            1
        esters. Parker melt blown and pleated depth                                                 DI Water                                                  Ultra-Pure                                               Reverse
        filters may be used to filter these raw materials.      Propene                                                                                       Water (UPW)                                             Osmosis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      System 1
        The hydrolization process combines the sulfate                                                                                                        High-Purity                                                                                                       EDI
        esters and Ultra-Pure Water (UPW). A hydrophilic                                                                                                      Solvents Isopropyl                         Pretreatment
        filter may be used to filter incoming UPW. As the                     Sulfuric                                                 Ultapure               Alcohol (IPA)                                                                                             Ion
        newly created IPA leaves the hydrolyzer, it may                        Acid                                                    Dilute HF                                                                                                                      Exchange
        pass through filtration prior to other process
        steps including distillation.                Core Filter(s)  Location   Purpose         Features             Benefits            Advantages           High-Purity                                                 Ultra-Pure Water               Storage
                                                                                                                                                              Acids & Bases
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          & Air
        The number of distillation steps will depend on the   Abso-Mate                                                                                       Hydrouoric Acid                                                                           Vent Filter
        level of purity required. Though not shown here,   Poly-Mate
        some manufacturers may use filters during or                          Incoming raw    Polypropylene     Capture large particles    Protection of      High-Purity
        between distillation steps. Following distillation,    Poly-Mate Plus  1  materials  DI Water  depth media  in raw materials  absorption process      Acids & Bases                                                                Ion
        a series of filtration steps may be used to    Polyflow                                                                                               Sulfuric Acid        Water                                                 Exchange
        further reduce inline particle size and quantity.                                                                                                 Rich Air                 Recycle
                                                      Polyflow-G                                                                                              High-Purity
        Final package filtration is a last chance particle   Clariflow-WE                                                                                     Acids & Bases
        removal step. This is typically where inline                                         Hydrophilic PES    Removal of particles in   Provide consistent   Hydrogen Peroxide
                                                                                                                                       source of UPW to
        particle counters will be used to monitor    Clariflow-E       2        DI water       membrane       UPW down to 0.02 microns  DI Water
                                                                                                                   Aquesous HF
        particle size and quantity. Here, filters will be   Clariflow-E Select  Anhydrous HF                                             hydrolyzer
        tighter than upstream filters in the manufacturing   Chemflow-PE                                   Distillation                 Hydrogen                              Solvent
                                                                                                    Hydrouoric Acid
        process. Micron rating will depend on the end                                                                                                         Services       Purication
        user particle specification.              Chemflow-PE Select   3      Pre and post   PTFE membrane on   Fine particle removal  Protect and enhance
                                                                                            either HDPE or PP
                                                                                              Aqueous HF
                                                     Proflow II-E              distillation  support structure                        distillation process                                   Extractor
                                                   Proflow II-E Select                                                                            Hydrogen Peroxide
                                                     Chemflow-PE                                                        Anthraquinone                         Selection Matrix
                                                                                                                          + Solvent
                                                  Chemflow-PE Select                        PTFE membrane on                          Final filtration step    Purication  Purication
                                                                                                                                       to help meet final
                                                     Proflow II-E      4      Final package  either HDPE or PP   Fine particle removal  product particle     Column 2  Column 1
                                                                                             support structure
                                                   Proflow II-E Select                                                                  specification         Product Overview
                                                                                                                                                      | 6
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