Page 7 - Parker - High purity chemicals in electronic application
P. 7

                                                           Column Column   Dilution  DI Water
 Hydrolyzer                                       Sulfur Trioxide
                                               UHP Sulfuric Acid
 Isopropyl Alcohol                 Sulfur Trioxide                                                    & Air Vent Filter
                                            Sulfur Trioxide
 Absorber  Ultra-Pure Water (UPW)                                                                      Storage Tank  Degasication                            Introduction
 Sulfate                           Condensor                                                                                          UV
 Esters                     Sulfur Trioxide                                                                                          Station
                                                                                           Reverse                                                            Schematic
                                                                                           Osmosis        2
                                                                                          System 2
        Ultra-Pure Water (UPW)  is essential in the
 DI Water  manufacturing processes of most chemicals,                          Osmosis
 Propene  chemical blends, and solvents. Chemical                              System 1                                                                       Selection Process
        companies with high-purity chemical processes
        use UPW in the manufacturing process or to               Pretreatment                                                           EDI
        control concentrations per their customer’s                 Tank                                           2
 Sulfuric  Ultapure  specification.                                                                                       3     Ion
 Acid  Dilute HF                                                                                                              Exchange                        Applications
        Converting typical city or lake water into UPW
        requires several steps. Reverse osmosis (RO) is                           Ultra-Pure Water                Storage                                     Ultra-Pure
        the first major step used to remove contaminants                   1                                       Tank                                       Water (UPW)
                                                                                                                   & Air
        from the mains water. Parker domnick hunter                                                              Vent Filter
        filters are used prior to the RO systems to protect                                                                                                   High-Purity
        the RO membrane from large particles.
 DI Water                   Oxidizer                                                         3     Ion                                                        Solvents Isopropyl
        Ion exchange converts the post-RO water to UPW                                           Exchange                                                     Alcohol (IPA)
        water with a combination of cation and anion  Recycle
                   Rich Air
        resins used to remove positive and negative ions.                          4                                                                          High-Purity
        Filters are used to remove any particles that                                                                                                         Acids & Bases
 Storage  Hydrogenator                                                                                                                                        Hydrouoric Acid
 Ultrapure  DI Water  could come off the ion exchange resin beds.
 Aquesous HF                                          Core Filter(s)  Location  Purpose          Features             Benefits            Advantages
 Anhydrous HF  Distillation  Hydrogen   Final filters may be used for last chance particle   Abso-Mate                                                        High-Purity
        capture from the system to ensure the very best
 Hydrouoric Acid                                                             Incoming mains   Polypropylene     Capture large particles    Protection of reverse
                                                                                                                                                              Acids & Bases
          Hydrogen Peroxide
 Concentrated  UPW quality.                            Poly-Mate                                                                                              Sulfuric Acid
 Aqueous HF  Post RO, most filters used are hydrophilic with    Poly-Mate Plus  1  water & pre-RO  depth media     in raw materials     osmosis system        High-Purity
        a polypropylene structure. It’s important to
                                                                                                                                                              Hydrogen Peroxide
 Anthraquinone  note that some companies may decide to use   Polyflow-G                                                                                       Acids & Bases
        all-fluoropolymer filters if they use an aggressive
 + Solvent
        line sanitization method, like ozone, to kill any   Proflow II-E
        bacteria in the line.  Purication                              2      Storage tank    Hydrophobic PTFE     Venting of air     Prevent unwanted
                      Column 2  Column 1           Proflow II-E Select           air vent       membrane                                pressure buildup      Services
                                                      Clariflow-WE               Post ion     Hydrophilic PES        Capture fine      Protect downstream
        *UPW refers to ultra-pure deionized water used    Clariflow-E   3     exchange resin    membrane          particles coming off    equipment and
        in Microelectronics manufacturing                                        capture     (no wetting needed)  ion exchange beds      added process
                                                    Clariflow-E Select
                                                      Clariflow-E                 Final       Hydrophilic PES   Tightest particle removal    Final filtration step    Selection Matrix
                                                                        4                       membrane                                to help meet final
                                                    Clariflow-E Select         filtration step  (no wetting needed)  to meet UPW standards  particle specification
                                                                                                                                                              Product Overview
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