Page 13 - Parker - Energy Products Division - Multitube (Instrument and Heat Trace Tubing Products)
P. 13

Chemical Processing and Refineries
            Catalog Number 4200-M-2
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                                              HT— Heavy Steam Trace
                             Maximum Internal Exposure Temperature up to 400˚F (204˚C)

            General                                              Tubing
            Parker HT—Heavy Steam Trace Tubing consists of       Type 122 DHP Seamless Copper and 316/316L
            a single process tube and tracer, non-hygroscopic    Welded Stainless Steel are standard. Additional
            glass fiber insulation and a black, 105°C rated, flame-  materials, wall thicknesses and seamless stainless
            resistant PVC (FR PVC) jacket.                       steel are available upon request. For Material
                                                                 Specifications of metal tubing, see Technical Data
            The HT—Heavy Steam Trace Tubing is designed to       section of the catalog. Consult Division for details.
            be used with steam pressures of 15 PSIG (1 BAR) to
            230 PSIG (15.8 BAR) and maintain a process tube      Tubing Identification
            temperature of from 200°F (93°C) at -40°F (-40°C)    When process tube and tracer tube are the same size
            ambient to 355°F (179°C) at 80°F (26.6°C) ambient    and material, each individual tube is printed with tube
            with product surface temperatures of less than 140°F   number at two-inch intervals.
            (60°C) at 80°F (26.6°C) ambient. Standard product
            has a Maximum Temperature Rating (MTR*) of 400°F     Insulation
            (204.4°C). Higher temperature rated designs are      Air-spaced, cross wrapped applied non-hygroscopic
            available. Consult Division for details.             fiberglass thermal insulation for minimum heat loss.

            *Maximum Temperature Rating is the maximum           Jacket
            allowable temperature of the tracing fluid.          The tough, black, 105°C rated, flame-resistant PVC
            Temperatures in excess of this may damage the        (FR PVC) jacket protects the tubing against corrosive
            product or alter its performance.                    atmospheres, water, oils, acids, alkalies and most
                                                                 chemicals. Additional jacket materials are available
            Applications                                         upon request. For Material Specifications of jackets,
            The HT—Heavy Steam Trace Tubing is used with         see Technical Data section of the catalog.  Consult
            high temperature steam to heat trace instrument size   Division for additional details.
            lines when elevated temperatures are required. Such
            applications as pressure transmission and analyzer   Testing
            sample lines carrying heavy oils or distillates, gases   Each tube in every length of Parker Temptrace
            or vapors are ideal service for the HT—Heavy         is pressure tested prior to shipment to assure the
            Steam Trace Tubing products. The direct tracer to    instrument engineer a high quality, reliable, trouble-
            process tube contact produces higher process tube    free product. For Testing Specifications, see Technical
            temperatures than the light trace product.           Data Section of the catalog.

                                                                 Accessories are available for connecting multiple
                                                                 lengths of steam trace bundles and sealing bundle

                                                                 NOTE: It is absolutely necessary to seal the ends against
                                                                 contamination from moisture and/or corrosive liquids. Parker
                                                                 Hannifin cannot assume any liability for product damage caused by
                                                                 moisture from unsealed ends.

                                                                                       Parker Hannifin Corporation
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