Page 3 - Parker - Daedal manually driven positioning slides and stages
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Parker Daedal Manually Driven Slides and Positioners

             Table of Contents                                  For over forty years, Parker Daedal has been the leader in
             Introduction                                       supplying manual positioners to industries and laboratories
                  2-3  Parker Partners in Automation & Support  around the world. These positioners are utilized for   Ball Bearing
                  4-5  Selectable Levels of Integration ™       applications that include laser beam directing, fiber   Slides
                  6-7  Parker Products and Technologies         optics alignment, assembly fixturing, tooling, microscope
                 8-2  Parker Daedal Manual Products and Technologies
                                                                specimen positioning, camera focusing, and many others
             Ball Bearing Slides                   To find a    — even experiments in outer space.
                3-5  Overview                     specific
                6-20  1.25” Wide or Less (3500, 3900)  model,   •  Precision quality
                2-22  1.75” Wide (4000, 4100, 4200, 4300)  refer to   •  Budget friendly
                23-25  2.62” Wide (4500, 4600, 4700, 4800)  the part   •  Largest selection
                26-27  5” Wide (4400)               number      •  Easy multi-axis configuration                    Crossed Roller   Slides
                  28  6” Wide (4900)               index on
                                                    pages       •  No maintenance
             Crossed Roller Slides                 136-142.     •  Vacuum preparation and custom options
                35-38  Overview
                  39  1.496” (38 mm) Wide (SW038)               Parker Daedal has thousands of ball slides, crossed roller
                40-4  1.75” Wide (CR4000, CR4100, CR4200, CR4300)  slides and linear and rotary manual positioning stages.
                42-43  1.97” (50 mm) Wide (SE050, SP050)        All Parker Daedal slides and stages are precision grade
                44-45  2.62” Wide (CR4500, CR4600, CR4700, CR4800)  products, offering low friction, accurate, and smooth linear
                46-47  2.95” (75 mm) Wide (SE075, SP075)        motion.                                             Ball Bearing   Positioners
                48-49  3.94” (100 mm) Wide (SE100, SP100)
                  50  5” Wide (CR4400)                          Parker Daedal free-travel linear slides and precision point-
                  5  6” Wide (CR4900)
                                                                to-point positioners are available in sizes ranging from less
             Ball Bearing Positioners                           than half of an inch wide to 6 inches wide, travels from 1 to
                6-63  Overview                                 30+ inches, and payload capacities to hundreds of pounds.
                64-67  1.25” Wide or Less (MM-1/3, 3900)        They are available as single axis units or two and three
                68-73  1.75” Wide (4000, 4100, 4200, 4300)      axis systems — all offered by model number and delivered
                74-79  2.62” Wide (4500, 4600, 4700, 4800)                                                          Crossed Roller
                80-83  5” Wide (4400)                           complete, with no assembly required. Rotary stages     Positioners
                84-86  6” Wide (4900)                           are also available for easy configuration of linear/rotary
             Crossed Roller Positioners
                89-9  Overview                                 Parker Electromechanical Automation offers one of the
                92-96  1.75” Wide (CR4000, CR4100, CR4200, CR4300)  broadest manual positioning lines in the industry. The
                  97  1.97” (50 mm) Wide (SC050, SK050)         following pages of this product guide will help you find
               98-0  2.62” Wide (CR4500, CR4600, CR4700, CR4800)
                 02  2.95” (75 mm) Wide (SC075, SK075)         the best fit for every application. If you cannot find what
                 03  3.94” (100 mm) Wide (SC100, SK100)        you are looking for in these pages, please do not hesitate   Rotary   Positioners
              04-07  5” Wide (CR4400)                         to call our application team at 724-861-8200. Parker
              08-0  6” Wide (CR4900)                         Electromechanical Automation Division has extensive
             Rotary Positioners                                 machining and testing capabilities to produce a solution for
              5-6  Overview                                 your application even if it is not shown in the product guide.
                 7  1.88 – 2.62” Diameter (2500)
                 8  2.38” Diameter (4575)
                 9  2.75 – 4.75” Diameter (10000, 20000 )
              20-2  5 – 12” Diameter (30000)                                                                     Accessories
                 23  Overview
              24-27  Z-Axis Brackets
              28-29  Drive Mechanisms
              30-32  Optical Mounts
             Engineering Reference
              33-35                                                                                               Engineering
             Part Number Index                                                                                         Reference

            © Copyright 2009 Parker Hannifin Corporation
            Parker Hannifin Corporation  
            Electromechanical Automation Division
            Irwin, Pennsylvania
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